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Posts Tagged With "Commercial cleaning" Forum Replies Views Last Post
No New Posts 34,000 SQF softwash job! (Preview) Before & After Pictures Of My Work 9 3864
The College Center For Library Automation building in Tallahassee, Florida is approximately 34,000 sqf in size with about 3000 linear feet of concrete curb and 1300 linear feet of walkways.  This building was only softwashed, no pressure was used to remove the algae buildup on the Dryvit band arou...
No New Posts Another use for Bleach Wash....canopy cleaning! (Preview) Final Wash 3 3178
Spray Wash Exterior Clenaing undertook the task of cleaning this gas station canopy. Only a soft wash process was used, no pressure was involved.  Bleach Wash was used at the end to neutralize any residual chlorine and minimize the potenital for rust.  Pumps were also sprayed prior to final rinse to...
No New Posts Another big fat elephant!!!!!! (Preview) Before & After Pictures Of My Work 2 2753
The food plots are in and the big game is comming to them!!!! This large projects is our latest "elephant" that Spray wash tagged & bagged..... Spray Wash Exterior Cleaning just completed cleaning the Gallery at Market Street, one of Tallahassee's premier shopping venues. Using bo...
No New Posts Tallahassee Memorial Hospital, Southern Medical Group (Preview) Before & After Pictures Of My Work 6 3460
Spray Wash Exterior Cleaning has completed phase 1 of the cleaning projects at Southern Medical Group adjoining the campus of Tallahassee Memorial Hospital. At over 1,800,000 square feet, this is the area's largest regional medical facility.  The Dyrvit exterior of this structure is a challeng...
No New Posts Spray Wash cleans Doak Campbell Stadium for FSU (Preview) Here I Am and This Is What I Do 9 3339
The University Center at FSU is the gem of the campus. Combining classrooms, brick facade, restaurant meeting space, and Doak Campbell Football Stadium , it is a multi-function structure. Spray Wash was chosen to clean the "Gate C" plaza of this magnificent edifice. Facilities Manage...
No New Posts Tallahassee Apartment Complex Cleaning...all softwashing (Preview) Here I Am and This Is What I Do 10 4076
Spray Wash has just completed a professional cleaning of Gateway Seminole Suites in Tallahassee, Florida. This project encompassed nearly 300 apartments and over 700,000 sqf of cleaning. Project took 12 work days of cleaning and included all 11 buildings and interior breezeways, 2 pool areas, m...
No New Posts FSU Presbyterian University Center (Preview) Here I Am and This Is What I Do 6 3526
Sorry for my absence from the board....been busy, busy, busy! Spray Wash Has been truly blessed with business this Christmas Season. This unique Structure houses the Presbyterian University Center at Florida State University. Spray Wash was contracted to clean the entire exterior of the buildi...
No New Posts Roof & Green Wash in the Rain!!!! (Preview) Green Wash 15 13606
One of my really good customers is a historic Church in Apalachicola, which is about 2 hours drive from my house. This organization & its members is responsible for THOUSANDS of dollars in business to me annually, so when they call, I jump.  Church just bought this residential home and turned it i...
No New Posts Digestive Disease Clinic, Tallahssee, FL (Preview) Before & After Pictures Of My Work 4 2817
Cleaned this building on January 7, 2012. Used a softwash process on the building and windows, but PW the concrete walkways and curbs.   My crew of 4  completed this project in 7 hours. 25,000 SQF building, softwashed at 10% SH plus Green Wash. Cleaning job also inlcuded curbs & sidewalks too!
No New Posts Miccosukee Methodist Church (Preview) Here I Am and This Is What I Do 7 3076
Spray Wash Exterior Cleaning seems to do a lot of unique jobs...here is the latest in that long and distinguished list!!!! The Miccosukee Methodist Church building is over 130 years old. Pressure washing would have been very detrimental to this national treasure. The answer was a gentle softwash w...
No New Posts Fairfield Inn Tallahassee - Marriott (Preview) Here I Am and This Is What I Do 7 3197
Spray Wash Exterior Cleaning has just completed another large hotel cleaning project. This project took 10 hours with a three man crew (me included). The Dryvit exterior of this hotel is especially easy to damage with harsh pressure washing, so a gentle soft wash by SWEC was the perfect solution for...
No New Posts Bank Work (Preview) Here I Am and This Is What I Do 1 2763
We are happy to announce Spray Wash Exterior Cleaning has a new client! Capital City Bank is a regional banking institution with over 80 branch locations.  We are very happy CCBG has joined the Spray Wash family of satisfied customers!   Techcnial notes: Brick work was softwashed at a 20% SH to water r...
No New Posts Todays Project.... (Preview) Before & After Pictures Of My Work 1 2514
Tallahassee Memeorial Hositpal is the area's largest health Care faciltiy. These photos are from one of the dozens of buildings on the campus... Concrete was pressure washed but he rest was softwashed using Green Wash and a various % of SH.  Was working in a secure, controlled access area, so bascia...
No New Posts Hilton Garden Inn, Tallahassee, Florida (Preview) Before & After Pictures Of My Work 3 2576
Spray Wash Exterior CLeaning completed this large commercial project today! The Hilotn Garden Inn was in need of a softwash to remove an algae sheen.    After pictures aren't great, as sun ws going down. Will take a few more in better lighting condtions 
No New Posts Tallahassee Memorial Hospital Parking Garage, Commercial Cleaning 32312, 32308 (Preview) Here I Am and This Is What I Do 11 4199
My largest commercial account called me on Thursday AM with an approved purchase order and wanted me to begin work on the SAME DAY for two  large projects and projects had to be completed in only 3 days.  As we are running bookings about 10 Days out, it took a bit of shuffling to accomodate their needs. Pa...
No New Posts Opening the door (Preview) Here I Am and This Is What I Do 13 7943
You don't always need to shoot an elephant (i.e. get a big job), don't overlook the small jobs that may lead to much larger opportunities. As long as you are hunting and shooting something, you'll bag an elephant eventually!!!! This job was our entry into the Governors Square Mall, Tallahassee's pre...
No New Posts Tallahassee Motel Roof Cleaning, 32308, 32312, (Preview) Here I Am and This Is What I Do 1 2206
Spray Wash has cleaned the roof at the Super 8 Motel in Tallahassee, Florida. This roof is a semi-glazed concrete tile, which according to management has never been cleaned in its 30 years lifespan. Needless to say, everyone is THRILLED with the results.  HArdest part of the job has been the fact that...
No New Posts Florida State University, exterior cleaning (Preview) Here I Am and This Is What I Do 2 2904
Spray Wash Exterior is making Florida State University sparkle and shine for the upcoming school year! This facility on the FSU campus is over 60,000 sqf, and our crew of four (yours truly included)  is washing it this weekend. We're using only a softwash process on the building exterior as to not dam...
No New Posts 1.5 Miles of sidewalk softwashed (Preview) Soft Wash Cleaning Flat Concrete, Decks & Pavers 16 7747
Spray Wash Exterior cleaning has been cleaning Innovation Park in Tallahassee! The last  portion of this task is to clean the perimeter sidewalks and curbs in the research park. Last year, Spray Wash did this same job, and we had to pressure wash all 1.5 miles of concrete. This year, we're softwashin...
No New Posts NO NO Blaster damage @ the Sheriff Department (Preview) Before & After Pictures Of My Work 1 2176
Spray Wash is cleaning the Leon County Sheriff's Office using its special no-pressure gentle cleaning process. This essential for Stucco, dryvit, and EFS buildings, as these photos demonstrate. Facilities manager mentioned that prioners had maintained the building in the past using a press...
No New Posts Tallahasssee Memorial Hospital (Preview) Here I Am and This Is What I Do 0 1805
Spray Wash Exterior Cleaning just completed another large section of Tallahassee Memorial.  This portion of the hospital is wrapped in a 25+ year old synthetic Stucco, which certainly could not withstand the damage from a pressure washer.  Our gentle softwash process cleaned the years of alage,...
No New Posts Florida State University College of Law (Preview) Before & After Pictures Of My Work 2 2610
Spray Wash Was selected to clean the College of Law at FSU. Encompassing both modern classrooms, and turn of the century restored buildings, this campus is both beautiful and challenging. Also the campus if full of both students and lawyers, so safety is a paramount concern! We actually brought in a...
No New Posts Tallahassee Mall AMC 20 Theaters (Preview) Before & After Pictures Of My Work 5 2525
Spray Wash just wrapped up a cleaning today at the AMC 20 theater at the Tallahassee Mall. My crew of five (yours truly included) needed about 8 hours to complete this project.   I had lots of extra hands on duty to provide traffic control. The exterior was softwashed with a 10-15% mixture.  Pressure wa...
No New Posts Another use for your Softwash rig.... (Preview) Before & After Pictures Of My Work 6 2905
Gas Station Canopies..... This project was done last night. I used a 1% mix & Green Wash, rinsed with Bleach Wash, then clean water.  One person operation and total job took 2 hours.    When you see a "flag" brand of gas like BP, Chevron, or Shell, they typically have an agreement with th...
No New Posts Concrete Rust Remover (Preview) Here I Am and This Is What I Do 0 2118
No New Posts Capital Regional Medical Center (Preview) Before & After Pictures Of My Work 12 3407
Spray Wash cleaned this building today at the Captial Regional Medical Center in Tallahassee, Florida. Few really cool things about this job I wanted to point out: This lead came from a painter who subbed out the work to Spray Wash. We first made contact about a year ago, and have kept in touch. Profess...
No New Posts Fuel Tanks cleaned with SWS skid! (Preview) SoftWash Systems Spraying Systems 7 2056
Unique job here.... fuels tanks for a petroleum products distributor.  Used my cradle skid and applied a 2% mix from the ground...this was some thick and heavy lichen.  Let the mix sit on the tanks overnight and then rinsed from a lift. Could have done the job from a ladder...but who wants to get that we...
No New Posts Sneak Peak on what we will be working on over the winter (Preview) South Carolina, Authorized Roof Cleaning by SoftWash Systems 11 4259
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