Pool Shock?
Has anybody tossed the idea of using pool shock? I had a crazy thought this morning because we have a pool which my wife takes care of. And for some reason I thought of pool shock. So I checked out the ingrediants and it seems like it would be a good idea. Ingrediants: 52% Calcium Hypochlorite 48% Other Ing...
Peter Blau
Mixology Cheat Sheet
Hi everyone, I'm looking for the cheat sheet for cleaning different surfaces. I thought I could find it on here. Could someone help me out? Also, I've got my gen III skid loaded and ready to use in my truck. But feeling a little overwhelmed. Any suggestions for a first time user.. I read the manual, to...
Gary Bola
Help! Bad Bleach.
I bought this barrel of bleach 2 weeks ago and it has been stored in my garage with the caps in place. I cleaned 2 houses from this drum and the only thing that went in this tank was a hose from a transfer pump. I have never seen this before. I pumped bleach from it today and the bleach is red. The bleach was purc...
Gregory Miller
Stucco/red clay
I have started receiving more calls to clean stucco houses we are having to mix a 3% solution and I'm still not satisfied with the results thankfully the customer is. Any advice would be appreciated. Sometimes I have encountered a clay type substance reddish in color a lot of the times this has been fou...
Edward Crawford
Gutter Whitening Mix
Hey Guys A few questions I just started using OXYwash & Terra Wash to clean gutters, has : A. Anyone else using this and what mix are you using? B. Can I just mix say a gallon of water, gallon of oxy, gallon of terra and keep it in a bucket sealed for continued use ? how long will it be effective ?
Jim Marchioni
Augmenting help
This is my first post since joining the soft wash community and I'm hoping you all can help me out. I'm soft washing down in Southwest Florida and I'm doing all tile roofs. I've had tremendous success using a 4% sodium hypochlorite solution but when I tried using a 4% augmented solution I don't get th...
Ryan Harder
On my way to a complete house wash and my helper says ummm i spilled the green wash... only had the 1 5gallon bucket. I have some but dont think it will be enough. Can I augment the greenwash with terrawash? Asphalt shingles, vinyl siding, comopsite deck, concrete walkway. I thought i read a post some...
Jesse Bracken
Softwashing calculator app for chemical mixes.
Mike Pasco
Unusual concrete "staining"
I have a potential job treating paver entrances to 2 office buildings. These photos are of the pavers DRY. They have a canopy overhead, but they stay this way all the time, even when it has not rained for weeks. The planter boxes are painted. Any ideas what may cause this & how to wash it?
Jeffrey Kirby
Non-ionic detergents?
I have a RFP for a very large commercial project. The bid specifies use of a "non-ionic" detergent. Google tells me that "non ionic" refers to the surfactant, and that many other components of the cleaning solution can be made up of other things like sodium salts, alcohols, e...
Chad Eneix
Another way to look at Sales?
Just a quick note to share something I noticed on a friends website today. Instead of exterior surface cleaning they used the term "Cladding and Façade Cleaning." Does anybody else do that in your advertising? vic
Vic Irish
Disposal of roof runoff
I recently had a situation were I cleaned a large roof with no gutters and I caught as much SH runoff as I could in buckets. That worked quite well, however, I didn't know what to do with the solution in the buckets. This isn't covered in any of the modules. Can anyone help me out as to what to do with the runo...
Ryan Harder
Bleach runoff in childrens sandbox
Hey guys, I just Softwashed a roof and siding for a family, and they loved the results, But they have a 2 year old that had a small pool filled with sand " Sandbox" that was under the deck and it filled with Softwash solution. The mother is frantic, and is worried this will hurt her child. Any t...
Shaun Harton
CH on Brick & Stone
For those of you that are using CH exclusively, how do you deal with the residue that is left on brick/stone. I would not think that a heavy rain would rinse all the cracks & crannies of the CH. I'm trying to convert over exclusively to CH. Working great so far on the roofs!
Gary P Gelatt
Powder Bleach - CH and RO / DI Pure Water
Does anyone know if using de-ionized water for CH mixes will help resolve issues with haze? What is the best way to mix or blend the CH into the water and how long do you typically get before the mix becomes neutralized or settles. I read to run it through a painters sock and agitate. Wondering if a simple p...
Mike Wedge
Bulk SH purchase - 10.5% or 12.5% Which One?
When purchasing SH in bulk we are given two options 10.5% or 12.5%, which is preferred? Does one make it easier to do calculations over another?
Gregg Giordano
How long is a mix good for?
I have a 3%mix on my truck that will be sitting for about a week and a half........how long will a mix last? Also, I have 12.5% in my chem tank on my truck. How long until it goes bad if we had sunny weather (which we don't).
Doug G
Mix didn't work.......was it a math problem or?
I'm really not trying to figure things down to the gnats hair but I did do the math before starting. I'm using a 35 gal tank and wanted a 3% mix. I put 28 gallons of water and 2 1/2 gallons of 12.5% SH. I then added 4 cups of Green Wash. My mix ran down the roof and didn't really "stick" and it didn't cl...
Doug G
Staging pre-mixed CH??
I'm wondering if it is feasable to mix CH in 50gal drums and pump it into my mix tank like I would SH.If so, to make 3% solution, how many dry oz of CH would we add per 50 gallon drum of water?>> On the mixology chart for 3% it calls for 300 oz of CH per 69 gallons of water I'm not sure, but I don't thin...
Mark Fermoyle
Da Pixie Dust
Anyone who has not yet tried it, once you do, you'll love it. Thankfully I kept it on the truck throughout the year. My issue last month was not a temperature issue, but rather, a "brain-fart" issue. I was at a job and had miscalculated my mix ratio. I thought I was making 4%, but turned out I...
Mark Fermoyle
lead stains
Anyone know a product to remove lead stains from slate, tiles etc.
Michael Hickey
Bleach is GOOD
Dan Dykstra
First Roof New Skid
This roof was real Nasty!!! As you Can See!!! It took 150gal at 3%SH 3gal Green Wash the skid worked just fine a little tuning still needed the best part was the home owner is a member of the HOA and will recommend. All the homes are 1-MILL PLUS!!![spoiler] -- Edited by AC Lockyer on Monday 7th of...
Eric Owen
So is a clean roof
Suppose to look like this
Alejandro Riojas
Old Mix New Life
I had 40gal of old mix in my tank from the 6th of this month it was mixed to 3% at the time. So today I did a test old mix first I waited and waited 15- 20min no result applied to pavers. Same mix now added 2oz of Leslie's Fresh N Clear now it started working with in minutes after applied to pavers and their is no he...
Eric Owen
If you make up a mix of CH can it be let settle for a couple of days before transferring to your truck tank? All the sediment would settle on the bottom of the mixing tank. Or would this have an adverse effect on the strength of the mix. I still have concerns about residue even after filtering.
Michael Hickey
One coat or two coats. 3% or 4%
for Sodium Hypoclorite i wanted to get a running tally on who is spraying 2 coats and if they are using 3% or 4% We have been using one coat of 3% but have noticed sometimes it might require a second coat to get all the black streaks out. thinking about going to 4% for just one coat. Any thoughts?
Josh Scavetta
Guys this question probably has been asked dozens of times (and maybe even by me, constantly forgetting things.) Who uses CH exclusively and if so what are the pros of CH. Same question for those that use CH and SH- pros and cons. I have been very slow to use CH on roofs up to now, but I think the SH I am buyin...
Michael Hickey
OSHA and new GHS chemical labeling
Came across this today.
OSHA once again making it harder to do business.
Gregg Austensen
Having issues lately with SH and it's after effect....
Recently we've been encountering a higher percentage of SH after effect on plants, shrubs and gutters. We are constantly rinsing along with covered protection where needed. Gutters, when not cleaned, are staining from roof overspray. It is so hard to protect all plants and shrubs without additi...
Paul Testa