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Forum: Soft Wash Mixology
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No New Posts Augmenting with more CH than SH
What is Soft Wash Systems Bleach accelerator? Can I one Batch a 3% mix of SH &CH thru my gen2 twin pump system using more CH than SH? If so ,what would the formula look like?    
Mike Wedge 15 3250
No New Posts Beginners luck? Havent got it yet...
So I've tried starting my own soft wash business and without even advertising I have job offers stacking up. I'm wanting to get started on them as soon as possible but I'm still stuck on chemicals like where to buy them and what is exactly needed. I've looked at insurance and no one will insure me until I u...
Nick Marshall 5 1024
No New Posts bleach activator
when will we be able to buy bleach activator? is it just sodium percarbonate,  commonly known as oxy clean?
Jason Rapisarda 1 748
No New Posts Running low on Green Wash.....
In a pinch, is there anything recommended to use as a SAFE substitute to Green Wash? David
David Rhodes 1 664
No New Posts Bleach strength
The analisys of the bleach I purchase says that the strength is at 15%, anyone else get this strong of bleach and if so are you making changes to the mixtures. So far I have had no issues with plant damage or any other damage, but I have been using a 1 - 1 1/2 percent mix for almost all cleaning and everything h...
Dan Dykstra 2 1513
No New Posts Brightening Concrete
We will be cleaning 13,000 sq. ft. of concrete walkways next month and I'd love to talk to someone who knows about brightening concrete with acids after cleaning. I've been using a product over the last few years that works very well, but it's just not cost effective. Any help would be appreciated!
Jason Heath 4 1062
No New Posts Hydrogen Peroxide for Neutralizer?
I was looking at the MSDS sheet on calcium hypochloride and it states that you can use hydrogen peroxide to neutralize CH aand what % its used. Not sure how long it takes to work but could there be a possibility that we could use this in the gutters as an additional guard against plant damage do to run off in...
Matt Jennemann 4 2923
No New Posts Brick cleaning solution
What solution % would you use to soft wash a brick entrance sign?  The sign has a good amount of mold buildup on it.  Pics are attached.
Jason Reider 5 501
No New Posts Project Lexington
AC, As we fast approach April 18th, the 238th anniversary of the Battles at Lexington & Concord and the start of the American Revolution will we be celebrating the start of the next SoftWash Revolution? If not what kind of time frame might we be looking at for a CH fix? I have no doubt this will be a gam...
Gregg Austensen 3 583
No New Posts A little help. Any ideas for rust, mold and algae on natural stone?
  I'm looking for a good product to bring this stone back to life.Got some good rust stains ans mold and algae.  Anyone have any ideas?
Texas Pressure Clean 12 571
No New Posts My Mixology Calculation...
 The other day while at Doug Rucker’s place, we mixed 6 gallons of 10% SH (retail Pool Shock) with 35 gallons of water.By my calculations that works out to a mix containing 1.5% (rounded) SH per gallon of mix in the tank.I attached a screen shot of my spread sheet for you to see how I arrived at that 1.5% Is t...
Paul Freeman 13 3169
No New Posts How many of us are augmenting?
I'm curious, how many of us are augmenting our standard roof mix with CH. If so, how does it work for you? Any residue to contend with? Any input would be GREATLY Appreciated.
Jason Heath 6 514
No New Posts Non-Painted, Galvanized Metal Roofing... Need Help!
Hi guys. I talked with A.C. earlier today about this job. He gave me some ideas and also suggested that I post it here for everyone to look at...... This is for a cust. that I've done 2 previous asphalt shingle cleanings for. He'd like me to clean these non-painted, galvanized metal roofs in the pictu...
Jason Heath 17 833
No New Posts Anyone ever used spray and forget on metal roof?
I'm not thinking I could use it to clean the roof since it takes forever to work, but more as a post rinse to prevent future growth. Anyone have any experience with this product or any thoughts?
Texas Pressure Clean 2 400
No New Posts Masking the smell of SH
Hi Guys, I have been browsing this site for the last month and learning a lot. Thanks a lot. I live in Ireland where we use cement tile and cement fibre slate or natural slate. I have been experiminting with roof cleaning for the last 18 months but need to finally get it right. Up to now I have stayed away fro...
Michael Hickey 1 431
No New Posts mold and Fallout/tree sap from tree on a metal roof.
I can never get these areas as clean as I would like even with plenty of scrubbing and muscle behind it. The customers are happy and I know that thier happiness is the end goal, but if anyone knows of a product that might help me cut through these trouble spots to get a better result faster
Texas Pressure Clean 8 414
No New Posts Soft washing a metal collection bin for clothing
I have a customer that wants me to softwash all of there collection bins.  The bins are painted and have decals on them.  What is the best chemicals to use.
pstinson12 1 382
No New Posts Bleach Wash Usage
I was just checking out AmerSafe's thread on BW... didn't want to hijack it lol! I use A LOT of Bleach Wash. I have a 55gal drum, flojet pump, and a 300ft chem line dedicated to BW. If I think the wind might blow GW onto landscape I hit it with BW. If I have to cover plants, I wet them, treat them with PW, cover th...
Paul Freeman 6 528
No New Posts Bleach Wash using Green Wash Injector
AC,Quick question regarding your bleach wash.  Thus far I have used bleach wash just to wash down my equipment at the end of the day and to pre-treat sensitive hardscape I wanted to protect from overspray.  My question is how would you apply bleach wash say on vinyl siding.  The hose end sprayer certai...
Mike Laskowski 1 564
No New Posts Is there anyone out there "One-Batching" Bleach Wash?
I guess the guys with the Soft-Wash skid are all set up to downstream inject Bleach wash, but I'm wondering if anyone who's "one-batching" has a seperate tank they premix Bleach Wash in.  If so, is there a mixing chart (Like the one Paul posted for Green Wash) I can keep in a folder with my Gree...
Mark Fermoyle 4 647
No New Posts I Ain't Scared No More!
So we had a pretty good week and I was pumped when I checked the weather for yesterday and seen that we were going to have a great day to clean. The day started out with a meeting from one of our leads last week that has 5 property's to clean, then rolled into two more estimates from yesterday, I was pumped I ha...
Dan Signor 8 803
No New Posts They are talking about our 5-Year Warranty
AC Lockyer 9 711
No New Posts Clean Roofs Below 42 Degrees!
Hey Y’all,Here is another chemical I used over the years to make SH bleaching action work below 42 degrees. I have taught this to soft wash pros throughout the country and I have decided to make this available to Soft Wash Community members.This powdered chemical can be added to a fully mixed tank whil...
AC Lockyer 6 1768
No New Posts For those of you that add IRB to your mix
This is soooo funny.
AC Lockyer 6 416
No New Posts e-mail about Augmenting
I recieved this e-mail today and thought it would be well posted here for yall to have this information about Augmenting. ACFrom: Jason Evers [mailto:jason@coastlinewindowcleaning.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 11:10 AM To: AC Lockyer Subject: Re: Mixology module and mixology page li...
AC Lockyer 2 461
No New Posts Has anyone ever washed a wood roof?
Need advice.
gutterdog 7 476
No New Posts Neutralize Plants is there a chemical that can be used on plants?
I'm looking for a post rinse that can be used on plants to help neutralize the bleach?
Texas Pressure Clean 1 439
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