What size Nozzles
Hey guys i gota quick question I have a 7gph pump and 200ft of 1/2ID hose, I was wondering what size tips or nozzles do i need? Any help would be greatly apprciated.
Chris Chunn
Mix formula
Brand new to the soft wash roof process system. Considering entering the business. I've seen a lot of postings and videos talking about how important the mix is, but none that specifically state what's in it. Can anyone clarify?
Joseph Saladis
Commercial Flat/Membrane Roof - Help with bidding + run-off containment
I have a great opportunity to bid on a commercial building roof here in town. It's 47,000 sqft and about as nasty as roofs get around here, but I haven't done one of this type of roof yet, so reaching out to all of you who have. I'm not concerned with how to clean the roof itself, although any thoughts or tips...
Josh Agadoni
Insurance agents pushing customers to a new roof prematurely?
Good morning all, How do you all handle jobs with insurance agents calling the shots? I had a quote for roof cleaning for a 12/12 pitch roof with enough moss that you'd think he lived up in the Pacific North West which he inherited as a parting gift from the previous homeowner. His insurance agent told...
Troy Layman
Technical Bulletins on cleaning membrane roofs??
Hi everyone, I have a potential client who has a 10,000 s.f. membrane roof on a commercial building. He is asking for assurance that our process will not harm his roof before awarding me the job. Does anyone know where to locate such literature???? I've scoured the BB looking for something, but have...
Mark Fermoyle
Cedar Shake Roof
Aloha, I have a window customer who would like a proposal for his cedar shake roof. This would be my first wood roof. Customer wants to apply linseed oil, I told him I could clean it first. Any issues with bleaching previous to oiling? Would I still neutralize with wood restore? Any advise would be appr...
Darryl Freeman
Membrane roof cleaning, The Cancer Center, Tallahassee Memorial Hospital
Photos from our cleaning of a membrane roof at Tallahassee Memorial's Cancer Center, Tallahassee, Florida
Ray Burke
Advice on SQ. Ft. Price on clay tile roof.
I got called in to a sit down for a potential job yesterday,it's a shopping complex with appox. 20,000. Sq Ft. of clay roofing that needs to be softwash. I did a free sample April of 2015,and have been folowing up with calls and visits. My problem here is i have to submit the quote tomorrow but need some he...
Nigel James
Need some advice on how to up grade my rines pump.
Let me start by saying thanks again for all you guys input on my last post. I can a Gen 2 softwash system from Powerwash store,which has a dual 12v 4.7GPM 60PSI pump system. I am thinking of up grading my rines pump so I can get more out of rinse volume,can anyone of you guys assist me in how do I go about aggre...
Nigel James
Cold Temperature
Cooler/colder fall temps are here for us in the upper midwest. What is the lowest temperature I can work in? Our lows during the night are upper 30's to 40's. We are in the upper 50's and 60's during the day. I have a cedar roof cleaning to do. What do you all think?
Robert Baxter
Terra wash
Good Evening, I had a question I need some help with. I mixed up a big batch of chemical on Friday and we had to postpone the cleaning due to high wind. The mix was 1.5 % SH and a gallon of Terrawash in 60 gal of mix.I had to postpone it until this Friday. Will that mix still be effective after a week or do I need t...
Gregory Miller
Looking for a good garden hose
Looking for a good long lasting garden hose that will roll up on a reel stays flexible, dependable, don't kink. It would used it to spray the house and plants down. I read a lot of reviews at Home Depot, a lot of what they sell is not very good. What's everybody using? Brand name? What size? 1/2? 5/8? 3/4 50'...
Mike Pasco
First Bid
Hi members. I was asked by a local home painter to bid on a home roof cleaning yesterday. The roof off white tile and worked out to 5300 sq ft with quite a bit of cut, really hard to reach spots and 3 full sides of heavy landscaping. I was told by the painter that my initial bid was about $500 high compared to t...
Derek Fontenot
Tough Mold & Moss on a roof.
I have some tough spots on a roof, let me know what you think it may take to clean these. These are rougher than I have had so far. This house is huge and very complex roof lines. -- Edited by AC Lockyer on Monday 27th of June 2016 11:03:19 AM
David Harrington
Air-inflated Athletic Dome
Greetings to all .... I want to show you all photos of the demo I did yesterday. My mix was 2.5% mix, The gw and tw was added as well. Can someone give me some advice? Is this cleaning going to require some scrubbing? It's awfully big ...
Robert Baxter
Pesky little gutter streaks
I apply my chemicals and it's does great except for these streaks on the gutters! Please help DESPERATE IN NC LOL -- Edited by AC Lockyer on Wednesday 8th of June 2016 08:50:53 AM
Anita Ingram
Iconic Dome Roof
I have a potential project that is currently in the sample stage. I initiated contact for this one, and with perfect timing. The property management had this roof cleaning in their scopes. This is an iconic dome roof, laid with fabric and coated with Hydro-Stop. Some areas of the Hydro-Stop have fail...
Darryl Freeman
Bird Poo...
How would you guys tackle this one with the bird poo? First roof with this much bird poo - customer cares more about the bird poo being gone than the massive moss growth... I'm thinking hitting it with a 4% mix, waiting about 20 min, then gently rinsing with a garden hose. Think it will take more than that s...
Brandon Vaughn
cedar roof to wash
Not sure which mix I should use for this. A little guidance would be appreciated. Estimated time for decay & washout? Need to set the right expectation for the client. Thanks
Jeffrey Kirby
roof shampoo
another window washer in my area is doing roof shampooing. they say they use the most effective method to remove dark and ugly stains on roofs. and its eco friendly and uses no bleach and I think they put a machine on the roof. I want to know is how softwashing is better and what to tell people what the diffe...
Matthew Haugh
Do you have to comply in your area with this? PowerWash water?/roof wash water?
Mike Pasco
My first softwash Roof cleaning
Hello everybody, this weekend I tackled my first softwash roof job. This was a last minute job from a realty company we service properties for. I put together a gun per the forum's directions and it worked great, thank you. I also had to make a 'mobile' softwash spray system because of the limited sp...
Raul Gonzalez
softwash gun
hello all, I ordered and paid for a softwash gun: just a 1/2" w/ball valve and 1/2 " hose fitting on one end and a quick connect on the other. the problem is I just got the ok for a big job I have to start on Friday. the vendor hasn't emailed that it has shipped as of this moment, so I know it will no...
Raul Gonzalez
What a lovely forest floor...
Oh wait... That's a roof. And those are ferns. Welcome to the great Northwest gentlemen!
Brandon Vaughn
Pressuretek 5850 pump...can it be brought back to life after leaving it out in freezing temps?
So, I finally upgrade to a pump system from my old pressure washer and DS setup. I set up the pump system when I got it and it worked well. So I let my worker take the truck that day and he left the pump in the truck bed overnight in below freezing temps. Now the pump isn't pulling. Is it possible for it to start f...
William Welch
Cleaned Shake Cedar Shingles Have A White Appearance
Hi everyone: I am just not getting the results on cedar shake shingles as I see many of you do. I'm not getting a warm golden color. My color tends to be whitish. I don't go over 2% mix. I have used straight Terra. I have used 50/50 Terra, Green Wash. And I have used just Green Wash. Any suggestions?
Robert Baxter
Gallons Of Mix Per Square Feet
Hi all ... This is my first post so bear with me. I recently returned from the Revolution gathering in Quakertown, PA. TERRIFIC stuff .... Question: Is there a rough rule of thumb on guesstimating the number of gallons of mix per square foot for a cedar roof to clean. I realize there are some variables...
Robert Baxter
Upset about this tile roof
Cleaned this roof today and as you see under the moss and mold the paint was deteriated. Was wondering if anyone has seen this before or knows how long these coatings typically last.
Chris Mozick
Trying to post some more pics for you guys
Aloha guys here is a few more pics sorry still trying to figure this site out LOL
Chris Mozick
Bitumen Membrane Roof
Client has a 6000 sq ft bitumen membrane roof that needs cleaning? Can anyone advise? I know a 2% solution is recommended for membrane roofs but what about this bitumen/ asphalt type roof? Thanks guys.
Paul Low Chew Tung