Craigslist truck for sale
I saw a white 2007 Chevrolet Silverado on sale for $4,500. In my range, but it has 210K miles on it. http://kpr.craigslist.org/cto/4282966311.html Fleet vehicle, previously owned by Terminex. Doesn't have a tow hitch, so it probably hasn't ever been used for towing. I haven't seen it yet, but am go...
Vic Irish
40' Ladder Brands
We have an upcoming job where we need to buy our first 40' ladder. We are planning to go with a Werner 40' 300lb IA. Typically, we buy Werners, but just wondering if anyone has found a better ladder for the forty footer?
Jeffrey Kirby
Cool Item
I was tired of replacing straps and bungees, and did not want to rely on employees knot tying abilities. I went searching for a better ladder tie-down alternative. I found a very cool item. They seem to be used more in Europe, and you can get them cheaper from there on Ebay, but these are made in the US a...
Chad Eneix
Ladder humm-
Holy humming extension ladder on top of my GenIII skid! Talk about a headache at the end of the day. I'm going to use the old expanding foam inside each ladder rung trick unless you guys know of a different solution?
Steve Mazzuca
Aluminum Polishing
Using Diamond Magic from JRC to polish some Aluminum Letters
Ray Burke
Looking for a used skid
does anyone have a used Gen. 1 or 2 skid for sale?
Ray Burke
Vacuum Recovery Unit For Sale
Chad Eneix
Helper Springs or Air Bags to Accommodate Skid Weight?
Hey guys, I am getting ready for the delivery of my new skid unit. This will be my first truck with a skid and I wanted to know if any of you guys have added helper springs or air bags on the truck to help support the weight of the skid and help with the additional water weight. The truck is a 2009 F250 Super D...
Eric Seitz
Commercial Pricing
I have been given an opportunity to get in with McDonald's and do some work for some of their stores. The problem is I don't have a good starting point for pressure washing as I am a soft washer. They are needing the drive thru, sidewalks and dumpster pads serviced every three months. I have done some sear...
Mike Wedge
119 Gallon Limit
Vic Irish
Tank Surge Busters
Steve Salley
Safety line for Softwashing?
Vic Irish
I know this isn't softwashing, but anyone have any tips for removing latex paint from asphalt and brick? Acid and hot water? The customer is prepared to see the coating come off the asphalt. Thanks!
Patrick Clark
Accounting software
It pains me to admit this, But we are antiquated with our business software. And by antiquated I mean we have no business software. We still manually add our receipts, expenses, and invoices. My goal for 2013 is to become more automated in our office procedures. What software are you using to manage yo...
Ray Burke
PCO tank heater
Have any of you guys used in tank heaters in your tanks to keep your mix at a warmer temp? I looked online and found an in tank heater that connects through the bung at the bottom, any thoughts? It's 110v so you'd need an inverter.
Matt Jennemann
water hose
Hello all, was just wondering if anyone has tried using the "FLEX HOSE" that expands and contracts. A lot of my customers use them around there house and say that they are wonderful but they don't do the work we do. Trying to save some room on my rig and did not know if I should spend the money o...
Chris Wegner
Here is Midsouth Prowash 's gutter cleaning setup.
I only use this if we can not reach the gutters with a pump sprayer. Basically just pull the cart to the center of the yard and extend the hose which is a 100ft 3/8 inch hose and usually can get most of the front of a large house. We have a wheel chair trailer hitch that it sits perfectly into and attaches to our...
Doug Ford
oh, you don't want to wear the safety vest?
Some of the crew kept conveniently forgetting to don their reflective safety vests when in high traffic areas such as parking lots and garages.... so I solved that problem with the last order of crew shirts! 100% moisture wicking polyester in DAYGLOW yellow!
Ray Burke
Compact 16 foot ladder
Saw this at a customer's house the other day and thought it was great for guys who have estimate vehicles or short bed trucks or no ladder racks. Its a 16 foot ladder that compacts to only 6 foot! I also found them at Lowes ( $139.00 )when I was buying a new 32' ( too bad there's no compact one for that size!!!...
Ray Burke
Lost day of work and thousands...
So I showed up to my shop yesterday morning to head out, and noticed the door was left opened.. Which is always locked as well as the gate to get back to my shop.. Once in the shop I noticed things out of place, then upon closer inspection I found that my motorcycle had been destroyed from front to back with a...
Lee Kendall
Preferred type of Nerf balls?
For those of you using the gutter cane, are you using the old-school "round" Nerf balls, or the football shaped ones with the tail? Thanks Mark
Mark Fermoyle
New shirts.
Notice in the wintertime months my crew was wearing under armor shirts under their spray wash uniform T-shirts. I realize that SH was not affecting these shirts. Just did a trial run Of some poly/spandex blend shirts , Andoff brand of "under armor". They are very cool, moisture wicking a...
Ray Burke
lost 1/2 my psi on my pressure washer
Took my machine out today and the pump is only putting out about half the psi it should be. Been in heated storage all winter anf winterized as well. Thinking it's an air pocket trapped in the pump but not sure. Any ideas? Pump only has 172 hours on it.
Jeff Thompson
Cool Safety Device For Standing Seam Metal Roofs!
Found this at a roofing convention. AC
AC Lockyer
Fiberglass versus Aluminum Ladders
Just curious on what other roof cleaners are using out there. I have all fiberglass ladders except for a little giant we use but 40 foot fiberglass ladders are HEAVY and would love to switch to a lighter aluminum version but we have electrical lines everywhere here in the northeast (hence all of our po...
Mike Laskowski
Liquid aluminum masking
Found this tonight at Lowes. Anyone ever use?
Ray Burke
Its a good winter gig
Depending on your location, snowplowing is a great alternative to sitting on the couch. When you have the surplus of money in July start looking for Plows, thats what I did to snag this deal. Pull from your roof cleaning customer base to gain snowplow clients. With enough clients you can pay back your s...
Danny Cronauer
company vehicals
What do you guys use for estimator vehicals. We will put around 25 to 30 thousand on a estimator car in a year so i dont want to buy new. i used 1996 toyota corolla last year which i picked up for $2500, which get close to 30mpg. im looking to buy 2 more this year. What would u guys recomend i would love some inp...
Josh Scavetta
backpack sprayers
I saw a comment about backpack spayers in another thread and wanted to start a post about them. I agree that BP sprayers can and will leak...and i have been the recipient of a pretty nasty SH burn due to this!. There is one backpack sprayer I will use. It's a totally "top-pull" sprayer, meanin...
Ray Burke
Panasonic Business Phone System
AC Lockyer