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Posts Tagged With "EIFS Cleaning" Forum Replies Views Last Post
No New Posts EIFS / Dryvit Cleaning....... (Preview) The Roof Wizard 22 6001
Here is a small office building that The Roof Wizard washed a few months ago, that was completely infested with mold, algae, dirt & emissions. EIFS (Exterior Insulation Finishing Systems) and Dryvit and brand name of a type of EIFS are delicate and thin. These surfaces are extremely porous and c...
No New Posts US Coast Guard Training Center - Bruckenthal Hall Softwashing, Cape May New Jersey..... (Preview) The Roof Wizard 4 2668
The Roof Wizard recently softwashed all the on-site housing, Bruckenthal Hall, at the US Coast Guard Training Base in Cape May, New Jersey. We cleaned five separate buildings, totaling a little over 16,000/SF of EIFS. One of the main reasons we were able to work on this base, is our "Good Stewar...
No New Posts The Roof Wizard Softwashing EIFS at Princeton University.... (Preview) The Roof Wizard 10 3285
The Roof Wizard was contracted to clean one of the Admin Buildings at Princeton University. They did not want the use of any pressure, due to the age and the condition of the EIFS. We used our softwash method and a blend of Greenwash & Terra Wash to remove the mold and other debris with less than 50 PSI...
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