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Posts Tagged With "Dryvit Cleaning NJ" Forum Replies Views Last Post
No New Posts EIFS / Dryvit Cleaning....... (Preview) The Roof Wizard 22 6001
Here is a small office building that The Roof Wizard washed a few months ago, that was completely infested with mold, algae, dirt & emissions. EIFS (Exterior Insulation Finishing Systems) and Dryvit and brand name of a type of EIFS are delicate and thin. These surfaces are extremely porous and c...
No New Posts US Coast Guard Training Center - Bruckenthal Hall Softwashing, Cape May New Jersey..... (Preview) The Roof Wizard 4 2668
The Roof Wizard recently softwashed all the on-site housing, Bruckenthal Hall, at the US Coast Guard Training Base in Cape May, New Jersey. We cleaned five separate buildings, totaling a little over 16,000/SF of EIFS. One of the main reasons we were able to work on this base, is our "Good Stewar...
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