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Front 9 Restoration

No New Posts   Stubborn rust stain

March 2, 2017

Hey all, wondering if anyone can shed some light on this problem...We recently did a rust stain removal job on the patio concrete in a client's backyard. Every other stain came up with one coat of BARC just as it always does, but one stain has yet to fully come out. The mark was left by a steel shade umbrella base. It is now clear that some "chunks" of rust from the umbrella stand have become bonded to the concrete. I've treated the stains at least half a dozen times, even went in with a wire brush to try and break up the build up a bit. Didn't effect it much.

Any ideas on how to fully clear this stain? The client is very understanding, but I assured her I would try to get to the bottom of this before I accept payment for the job.

The photo is a 'before' shot. The remaining stain is smaller, and localized around a few spots about the size of a nickel.

Started By: Josh Agadoni

Comments: 17

Views: 4805

Last Post: Apr 16, 2017 by Chris Mozick


No New Posts   Iron soil amendment pellet stains on brand new concrete

December 3, 2016

Poor customer had very recently had a brand new driveway and sidewalks poured.  With that job crossed off his list, he decided to revitalize his front lawn.  Soil test results said it was "iron poor" and the nursery told him to apply iron pellets to help amend the soil.  His only mistake was that he neglected to blow the pellets off of his new concrete work before it rained overnight. no

This was a rather large area project for our first experience with F9 BARC on concrete.  The below pictures are of the test section we did in the first joint section of the sidewalk.

No New Posts   Another A/C drain stain removal success

December 3, 2016

Simply amazing results!  Had to mix it a little hotter than normal though and apply several times for this tenacious rust stain.  (although, could be my product has gotten old??)

Most important aspect ~VERY happy customer. smile

Started By: Mark Fermoyle

Comments: 2

Views: 2525

Last Post: Dec 20, 2016 by AC Lockyer


No New Posts   Recent Rust Removal Project

November 8, 2016

My customer called to have the house washed and also said he had a very nasty rust stain on his siding due to his air handler drain pan.  He asked if I thought anything could be done.  Needless to say, he was elated with the results.  

Sorry the pictures are not staged as well as could be, but I was trying to work in conjunction with another crew who was trying to replace the door located below the rust stain.

Started By: Mark Fermoyle

Comments: 5

Views: 2887

Last Post: Nov 14, 2016 by Mark Fermoyle


No New Posts   copper stains

February 4, 2014

One of my customers has a good amount of copper stains on stucco from copper roofing above a bow windows.  I forgot to ask when we were in florida.  Can it be removed?

Started By: Tim Teed

Comments: 1

Views: 1950

Last Post: Feb 4, 2014 by Ray Burke


No New Posts   F9 BARC Video Review by AC - Cleans Aluminum and Oxidation From Your Soft Wash System!

March 31, 2013

Thank you, AC for this amazing video!  I've used it on my hotwash burner and it worked GREAT!  If you spray a little F9 BARC Rust Remover and use a 0000 steel wool (really quick scrub) all the rust came off my rig and it looks like new.  Another great use for F9 BARC guys!


You can purchase your F9 BARC World's Best Rust Remover Here: Buy F9 BARC

-- Edited by Craig Harrison on Sunday 31st of March 2013 02:35:56 PM

-- Edited by Craig Harrison on Monday 1st of April 2013 07:36:58 PM

No New Posts   Questions on Cement Building Cleaning

August 7, 2013

I had a church get in touch with me to see if I could give them some idea on just what is goign on with the sides of their building, it is block cement, and it has rust spots that have begun to show up all over the building (see pics)

My question to everyone

A. what are causing these

B. F9 do the trick to clean this and will it stay away

Started By: Dan Dykstra

Comments: 4

Views: 2037

Last Post: Aug 9, 2013 by Dan Dykstra


No New Posts   The F9 Rust King is now Lead Tech Certified!

August 6, 2013

That's right!  Thanks AC for a great program.  We are excited to be taking our crew and office staff to the San Diego area very soon to get rolling.  What a great combination offering the best-of-both-world's products with Softwash Systems and F9.  We are going to hit this hard.. Watch out! 



No New Posts   F9 Training: How to Join the Elite F9 Rust Removal TEAM

November 30, 2012

You've heard a lot about the Best Rust Remover, F9 BARC. For those of you who are on the fence, you are missing out BIG TIME! FREE leads are being generated every day resulting in lots of profit in this highly paid niche business.

What are you waiting for? We designed this for YOU, the POWER WASHING and WINDOW WASHING COMPANIES!

F9 Training: How Do I Become An Authorized F9 Applicator?

Front 9 Restoration offers a free listing of your company on our website. We will list your business information, link up to 10 of your web pages and include a rust removal video if you choose to make one.


  1. Rust and battery stain removal is a highly-paid niche that F9 BARC fulfills.
  2. There is no better product on the market and rust removal can be a business in itself.
  3. Rust removal can get your business new accounts, more work and higher profits. We have seen businesses get 6-figure accounts because they could prove to the Property Manager they could remove rust stains or orange battery stains that other contractors could not.
  4. Orange battery stain removal is a new niche business that F9 BARC makes possible.
  5. F9 BARC offers one solution for uniform and predictable results.
  6. F9 BARC will not harm plants, grass or vegetation


  1. Become a member of an elite national rust removal force, the F9 TEAM!
  2. Obtain FREE LEADS. By obtaining a business listing on our Professional Rust Removal page, your business will have the ability to receive FREE LEADS. Once a customer arrives on at the F9 Website, our web pages try to educate them of the various hazards that accompany an acid type restoration. Our goal is to prevent damage on concrete and keep our customers healthy by not trying to do this type of restoration themselves.
  3. Front 9 Restoration is at the top of many internet search results that are rust related. This is not by accident. Front 9 has a built a solid product and are heavily optimized for premium web search results.
  4. Your business will have instant credibility and web presence for rust related services. We have even had some property managers ask contractors if they use F9 BARC, and only want a contractor who uses F9 BARC for their particular job.
  5. By cross-linking our keywords and by Front 9 linking your web pages, your Search Engine Rankings will increase.
  6. If you choose to make a rust removal video, we will embed this into your listing. You will come up more quickly in search engines. This means better visibility and more leads.
  7. List up to 10 cities in your F9 listing to use as your keywords for your services

Qualifications and Rules:

  1. Contractor must purchase 1 case of F9 BARC.
  2. Contractor must be in the business of professional power washing, concrete restoration, window washing or maintenance business.
  3. Contractor must have professional power washing equipment and surface cleaner. This consists of a gas-powered commercial grade power washer and a rotary surface cleaner. This equipment is needed for preparation of fertilizer stain and battery acid stain removal.
  4. Contractor has a website and agrees to publish a “Professional Rust Removal” page. On this page he must link a minimum of 3 keywords over to various web pages on the Front 9 Restoration website.
  5. Contractor must be active in using F9 for rust removal and restoration jobs.

By signing below, contractor agrees that he meets the qualifications of the Free F9 Authorized Applicator Program and will abide by the rules listed above. This agreement is contingent on approval by the F9 TEAM. Front 9 Restoration, Inc. reserves the right to place listings where needed and make changes to our Authorized Applicator program at any time.

Print Name: _________________________________________
Signature: _________________________________________
Business name: _________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________
Date: __________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________
Please show proof of case purchase, fill out form and fax back to 480-393-5094

Let's get rolling guys!

No New Posts   Welcome New F9 TEAM Members!

June 15, 2013

Please Welcome 10 New F9 Professional Rust Removal companies to the TEAM.  Glad to have you and we welcome you to "Craig's F9 List."  May the leads come in and congratulations!


PA Rick Vagnoni, Deck Care Plus, PA

PA Bob Wagner, Premium Power Wash, MS

PA Daniel Cronauer, Apex Roof Cleaning PA

PA Zach Maynard, A to Z Roof Cleaning, MA

PA Jason Rapisarda, Eco Wash NY

PA Chris Dubbs, The Wash Wizards, IN

PA Caleb Wininger, Lake State Cleaning, MI

PA Keith Ayote, Top Notch Soft Wash, MA

PA Charlie Powell, Charlie's Window Servies, CA

PA Matthew Spyker, Simply Soft, PA



Started By: Craig Harrison

Comments: 7

Views: 2331

Last Post: Jun 18, 2013 by Craig Harrison


No New Posts   New F9 Rust Removal TEAM Members!

April 5, 2013

Please welcome 15 NEW members to our National Rust Removal Force, the F9 TEAM. Congratulations to you all and you are now positioned to get leads through the #1 Rated Professional Rust Removal Website at www.Front9Restoration.com!

Our Program is for Professional Use ONLY.  WE do not sell to residential customers.  Please CLICK HERE to learn how to get paid for using the WORLD'S BEST RUST REMOVER.

We get your website positioned on the first page of google FREE for 100's of rust related search terms and we turn residential customers into YOUR customers!  In just 9 months we have over 100 F9 Authorized Applicators who are using F9 BARC Rust Remover and reaping the rewards. 

Buy your CASE HERE and Get Your Free Listing, Techincal Support, Online Video Training and my personal cell # for any restoration related questions.  I am here to help!

Jim Hamilton- Deck Doctor Restoration
Rance Tilley- Paducah Power Washing
Patrick Clark- Precision Pro Wash
Justin Monk- Spokane Pressure Washing
Adam Jeter- Adam Jeter’s Window Washing and More
Dwayne Morgan- Orlando Power Wash
Bill McMahan- Revolution Soft Wash
Dan Dykstra- Roof Cleaner, Inc.
Guy Triger- Puma Power Wash
Jason Cornett- Imperial Power Washing
Thomas Tritthart- Reliable Home Improvement of NY, Inc.
Tyler- TTech Power Solutions
Chris Apple-Arkansas Pro Wash
Chris and Jillian Shelton- Vegas Pressure Wash
Mike Hockman- Gutterdogs


Thanks guys and welcome aboard!


Started By: Craig Harrison

Comments: 11

Views: 5807

Last Post: May 16, 2013 by Dan Dykstra


No New Posts   F9 TEAM I have 13 driveways....

April 23, 2013

located in Tampa, Florida (Lutz actually) with battery stains all in one neighborhood that need to be restored with F9 BARC. Please PM me if interested.


F9 Best Rust Remover and Restoration Cleaner in the World

Started By: Craig Harrison

Comments: 2

Views: 1865

Last Post: Apr 25, 2013 by Craig Harrison


No New Posts   Soft Wash a Pool with F9 Instead of Acid Wash... Big $$$

April 19, 2013

Pool guys make $400-$800 for doing this.  You can make that in an hour with F9 barc and cause no damage to the siding.  Hire a pool guy for $100 to empty and refill the pool.  Go in, apply F9 and collect your check.



No New Posts   Great F9 BARC Rust Remover Testimonial!

March 31, 2013



I bought a gallon of F9 at the NJ event last week and it came in very handy yesterday.  I had a customer who had some iron water stains (rust) on his siding and a beautiful vinyl trelace that he tried many times to get off.  After I softwashed everything I went back, mixed up a little F9, sprayed it on and the rust stains magically disappeared. I did it right in front of the customer, because he did'nt believe I could and it was above my original scope of work.  He tipped me an extra 50 bucks and already wrote a stellar review on Angies List for me.  The moral of the story is that I ordered a case when I got in my truck, and I would like to become certified by F9 and be able to put it on my website and promote it. I have always used other methods the remove rust, but this was the most effective I have ever used.  I would like to add a tab to my web page for just rust remove services.

John Aloisio


-- Edited by Craig Harrison on Sunday 31st of March 2013 01:56:10 PM

Started By: Craig Harrison

Comments: 11

Views: 5452

Last Post: Apr 4, 2013 by Craig Harrison


No New Posts   Rust on Shingles

March 14, 2013

Matt Lancanster here you go!


A couple of pictures using F9 BARC to remove rust on shingles and siding.  The Best Rust Remover on the Planet, fellas! Spray on with a pump sprayer and watch it disappear.  The process for shingles is the same for rust on stucco or siding.

Rust on Stucco Video


Rust on Shingles (performed by Doug Rucker, Clean and Green Solutions):



-- Edited by Craig Harrison on Thursday 14th of March 2013 07:23:44 PM

-- Edited by Craig Harrison on Thursday 14th of March 2013 07:25:24 PM

-- Edited by Craig Harrison on Thursday 14th of March 2013 09:35:27 PM

Started By: Craig Harrison

Comments: 9

Views: 2650

Last Post: Mar 19, 2013 by Craig Harrison


No New Posts   Today's Concrete Restoration.. Lots of Damage!

March 16, 2013

Today's restoration work using F9 BARC Rust Remover. This customer had a LOT of damage from a previous contractor who tried to remove the battery rust stain. They etched and burned the concrete pretty badly. We used the F9 Process and surface cleaned in two directions followed by two applications of F9 BARC, mist with water, broom and rinse.



No New Posts   Paver Cleaning (Hard Water Stains), Oil and Battery Rust on Concrete

March 13, 2013

Restored these pavers today with our F9 Hard Water Stain Remover. This will be available this summer. Then we went on to another job with oil and battery stains. For this we used EBC, pressure washed, then followed up with F9 BARC Rust Remover. Needless to say both customers were impressed and very satisfied! We use our Sirocco for water recovery when using our Hard Water Stain Remover so nothing goes down the storm drains.

No New Posts   Rust Removal on an Entire Building with F9

October 30, 2012

Ideal Steel Building in Seneca, South Carolina.

This steel fabrication plant was getting ready to paint, but wanted the buildings cleaned first. This is a very busy steel fabrication plant and there is always a dust of steel in the air from all the cutting, drilling and grinding that goes on there. All this dust settles on the surfaces of the buildings and particularly around the outside of the doors, creating a very unsightly array of rust stains. F9 BARC, the World’s Best Concrete Rust Remover was approved for use on this building to remove the rust stains.

F9 Professional Applicator Len Sutton from Sea To Summit Pressure Washing in South Carolina was chosen for this job.

Click image for larger version. Name: bricks above big door.jpg Views: 1 Size: 789.4 KB ID: 22213Click image for larger version. Name: bricks all around square metal vent.jpg Views: 1 Size: 742.9 KB ID: 22214Click image for larger version. Name: bricks under metal frame.jpg Views: 1 Size: 538.7 KB ID: 22215Click image for larger version. Name: rust around Ideal Steel logo.jpg Views: 1 Size: 699.1 KB ID: 22216Click image for larger version. Name: rust around perimeter on steel.jpg Views: 1 Size: 973.5 KB ID: 22217Click image for larger version. Name: white metal b-a.jpg Views: 1 Size: 707.9 KB ID: 22218

Started By: Craig Harrison

Comments: 2

Views: 1931

Last Post: Dec 3, 2012 by Ray Burke


No New Posts   F9 BARC Rust Remover Training: How to Remove Rust Stains on Stucco

November 16, 2012

F9 Concrete Rust Removal videos are now available for viewing!


F9 BARC The World's Best Rust Remover  for Power Washing and Soft Washing Companies.


Removing rust stains on stucco is the same method that we use to remove rust on painted metal, vinyl surfaces and non-porous substrates.


This is a perfect add-on or use F9 BARC to gain business where others have failed.  Take a look at our other videos too on our F9 BARC Rust Remover website.

-- Edited by Craig Harrison on Saturday 24th of November 2012 10:46:06 PM

No New Posts   New Rust Removal Video - F9

October 21, 2012


Here is our new video to help promote F9 BARC Rust Remover Applicators.  Application is easy with F9 and we have a great program to back up professional contractors who are willing to increase their business, accept FREE LEADS, and get on our first page of google results.  You won't find an easier product to apply and it works excellent on shingles, roofs and almost all surfaces.  We have quite a few softwash guys who are already benefitting and making money with F9.


So, check it out.  F9 BARC Concrete Rust Remover is a great product, is easy to apply and we are sincerely interested in helping your business with this add-on.  Learn how to use F9 to remove rust, irrigation stains, fertilizer stains and battery acid stains on concrete, bricks, pavers, tile, stone, stucco, vinly, concrete coatings. roofs, shingles, asphalt, rubber, windows...


See you at the San Diego Wash Water Expo!


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