If you have plenty of extra money to invest in your business, get the new system. If you are on a tight budget, buy whatever is cheaper and invest money in marketing, website, paying someone to throw fliers, training, especially going to softwashapalooza. All of the equipment is good and will work. You need to have the systems in place to find customers.
Like I said by phone the other day. Cash flow usually dictates what you can do TODAY. Do the best you can TODAY and save for TOMORROW. If you can swing the new Gen III do it. You wont be sorry. BUT if cash flow dictates a used system or even a lower cost system like a Smart Wash from RHG then go that way till you can upgrade. #1 thing to focus on is prospering your family. BTW Ill have Eric Owen's system in the LABOROTORY today. If you want to call he will be here to talk Turkey!