I am a week or so away from placing my order for the new softwash system, but I am trying to decide if I want to go with/without the pressure washer/surface cleaner setup. pros or cons?
Very tough decision... I am goin to have to make the same one when I purchase. I think I am going to just go with out the pressure washer upgrade and use the truck solely for softwash jobs. there are enough just softwash jobs to keep it busy.also, my original rig has a high pressure set up which scan be used for that. Just a though...
My advice is to go with it. There are times that you need to " mow the algae" before treatment, as well as dealing with grease stains, gum, ect. Plus there are times that it is necessary to use a little pressure to remove the dirt/mud that splashes up on the siding from the rain. And in cases of no or low water you can use the power washer hose with out a wand to rinse like a garden house
My advice is to go with it. There are times that you need to " mow the algae" before treatment, as well as dealing with grease stains, gum, ect. Plus there are times that it is necessary to use a little pressure to remove the dirt/mud that splashes up on the siding from the rain. And in cases of no or low water you can use the power washer hose with out a wand to rinse like a garden house
It can be EASILY added on later as a kit. But yes sometimes you have to whip out the moss mower!
It's always good to have options (soft washing and power washing) but like AC said you can always add to the system later. Also IMO the profit margin with soft washing is better business wise and the competition is less. Finally, the main reason to have powerwasher would be mainly for flat concrete work with a surface cleaner (btw is possible with softwashing but not grease amd gum, etc)and I would only have this as an add on service because like I said the soft washing profit margin is better but you hate too leave money on the job and some customers do want that one stop shop. Good luck!
We carry both on our truck, for just that reason. Picking up the added income will pay the week's gas bill. You already have the customer's trust, so why not give them the full service?