Do you mean bleach, or AC's Green Wash, Final Wash and other products? For SH most people are probably going to tell you to use Univar if they will deliver to your location. If not Leslie's Pool Supply or some pressure washing stores may carry bulk SH you can buy, or some farm or agricultural type stores may carry SH as well. - this is the only place that sells AC's chemicals that I know of. A few other vendors used to carry them but when some customers came in asking for AC's products they were being redirected to the 'store brand', trying to leech customers away from AC's products, so he pulled his products from every vendor besides to my knowledge. Don't quote me, but I think that is more or less what happened.
3 weeks? Ouch...I don't recall my products taking that long to ship and receive. I think most of my orders come in 3-5 days. JRC has a warehouse in NJ and I'm in central VA, so it's not that far. I know there is a west coast JRC warehouse so I'd expect the shipping to be similar. Did you contact JRC and ask why it is going to take 3 weeks? Are they back ordered?
There is a post on these boards somewhere where AC spelled out how to log in from the forums here and you'd get a little discount and AC would get a little kickback for referring customers to JRC, so it's a win/win all the way around. All I remember is the top of the JRC page should have the SoftWash Systems banner along with or in place of the JRC banner...? Maybe AC can chime in and clarify.