You rinse vinyl siding a lot, so it gets diluted pretty well, but yes, you need to protect plants still. You may get away with it for a while, but eventually you will start damaging plants. Pre-wet, rinse, and use plant wash. You can move a little faster, and you really don't have to divert, cover, or take the more dramatic steps you do with roof mix, but you still need to be careful. The best part about siding is all the rinsing takes care of your plant rinsing and diluting pretty well. The worst part about siding is also all the rinsing, because it takes a lot more time.
You can do most average siding jobs with one person, but it is always highly recommended to use two. AC and SoftWash Systems always teaches and recommends two man teams for several reasons. First, you are always safer with one guy, and this is the most important reason. Second, you will be much more efficient with two. Two guys does not cut just cut your time in half, it really cuts it by like 60% or more, especially when you do larger jobs or multiple jobs in one day. Also, if you are the owner/ operator, and doing it all by yourself, and running the business, and selling, you will burn out fast.
Chad A. Eneix, President, Water Dragon Inc.
If there is grass up against the foundation you will get a a 1" or so brown line along foundation. You also have to be careful with the homes that have shrubs growing against the siding, there may be browning.(I explain that the shrubs should be trimmed back because it reduces air flow, increases dampness and it is a pathway for bugs, ants spiders etc. Overall siding is a non issue. As a side point if you clean siding and there is a porch roof below you will get clean streaks on roof and look like crap if it isn't cleaned.
Additionally, yards that are partially moss, that moss tends to turn white easily along the base of the wall if you don't pre-wet well. Not a major plant, but it stands out.
As stated a 1% softwashing solution when rinsed rarely has any effect on established grasses. Now rye grass or newly seeded lawns can burn. Just be careful and rinse well and use your plant wash.