I have a customer I do a lot of winter work for. Normally it is just deicing work, but they have 2 large tanks they want cleaned. I know it would be better to clean in warmer weather, but they probably just didn't think about it until now, because I'm not normally needed for them until it is cold. These are 28" vertical tanks with normal algae and stuff on them, painted white with an industrial coating. Similar surface as a water tower or bridge.
I have heard of success in lower temps, can this be done in temps around 35-40 degrees? I have yet to SoftWash below about 50 degrees. I'm thinking if I bump up the concentration, combined with the non-porus surface and maybe a little brushing with a pole this would be possible. This project is 4.5 hours away, so I have to be pretty darn confident it will work before I commit.
Chad A. Eneix, President, Water Dragon Inc. chad@waterdragoncleaning.com
Like Mike said make sure the SH is fresh. we cleaned last week in the high thirties with no issues. We do use pixie dust in the mornings when the substrate temps are still in the teens and twenties from overnight. it definitely can't hurt.
Yes text me for the pixi dust info. Watch the paint or surface coating. Going too high on your SH mix can etch coatings and event in some cases remove them. I'd hate to see you cause damage to a surface trying to get it clean by going too hot with your mix. As always do a small demo area and see how that goes. Once success is reached then replicate that process over the entire surface.