Does this have a seal on it? I would do the normal ratio if there is no seal on it. I would bring a little wire brush with me and brush under the shingles to knock off the big stuff. Rinse rinse and rinse.
Any dead growth on a cedar roof will soften up after the treatment and comes off really easy with a garden hose pressure, or even easier if you have a cannon (booster pump). Everything in those pictures will come off easily Brandon.
I shudder at the thought of brushing each shingle with a wire brush! I think I'll bust out the cannon... Thanks for my booster pump's new nickname Zach.
I sold this job and will be doing it next week some time. I'll post some after pics.
Brandon Vaughn
All-Clean! SoftWash Gresham, OR 503.887.6404 way I'm stepping a foot on that roof. I would just explain that I can cause more damage than good. I would explain my treatment and the objective of a 100% kill ratio. After they're dead they should start to rinse away naturally.
The black that looks almost like paint is tanin. You never really get it all out completely. Also the north sided takes longer to dry so it still looks like crap when wet. As it dries it will lighten in color.
It will even out as it weathers. You are not restoring cedar, but cleaning. We are killing and and washing much of the fungus. It will weather to a grey color. A lot of what is left will wash off as the organics decompose.