Well I have totally revamped the way I think and approach cleaning. Got my Fatboy set up for roof and house washing. Bought GW, BW, PW, F9 and BT200. Still keeping the Hydro Tek for pavers and concrete.....and for a high volume rinse for siding and decks vs a garden hose. From reading the posts, the softwashing sounds like it works extremely fast and there is no scrubbing needed (on houses and decks). In the past I had to do a lot of agitating on siding and decks before rinsing....and charged accordingly. Now my concern is when a customer sees me spray the solution wait for 10 minutes and rinse, then give them a $375.00 invoice for maybe an hours time....won't they freak? Maybe I should just go through the motion and give everything a quick once over with the brush?
Lets say you have to get the advice of a legal professional. You have a choice..you can go see some legal aid who charges $350 and you're their for 2 hours but they only have limited experience. Or you can pay $500 and see a season lawyer who specializes in your problem and you end up only being there 30min. Yes the visit cost you more but you got the best service.
Focus on the results. SW lasts 5-6 times longer so in the end the actual cost me very well be less.
Serving The Greater Columbus Georgia /Phoenix City Alabama Area
I've never had a complaint about how quick we clean. Emphasize the 3 step process of greenwash, bleachwash and plantwash. No one else does that. These cleaners are not cheap, so we have more costs than most people. We always have 2 guys on a job, competition may have one. I have workers comp, ask the seal, a professional truck etc. You can even take a before photo of the worst area and then show when doing the post job walk with homeowner.
I am reminded by my wife that what we do is not carpet cleaning. It is a professional treatment with very specific guidelines. The cost is the process, chemical, insurance, equipment replacements, where we are while performing our treatments etc.
The fact that you are trained, equipped and proficient means we should be able to accomplish the task quickly and with minimal impact to their lifestyle.
Clearly it takes longer to go over every square inch of a roof with a pressure washer, widget, shampooer or any other method. So, our systems are designed to allow for more speed. I quite frankly, do not understand why they do it so cheap!
Good advice and a great analogy Gregg. Feel like a fish out of water doing estimates today. Been selling the softwash idealogy but have yet to actually try it.Talk about a leap of faith. Basically have taken everything I have learned over the last three years and surpressing it. probably kind of like someone telling you it's okay to drive on the left side of the road when you've been driving in the right side all your life.
We are a service company that just happens to offer roof cleaning. I also do some remodeling. Why can one company sell a $900 window and the other sell if for $500? Its all about creating value. Remember we only work 8 months per year.