What type of valves do you guys use for your SH hoses and do you use the same type for transferring the 12% SH?
Michael HickeyGM ServicesCork, Irelandwww.gmservicescork.com
Doug Ford
Midsouth ProwashP.O. Box 310 Arlington TN 38002901-399-WASH (9274)
https://www.facebook.com/MidsouthProwash (please like my facebook site)
https://www.facebook.com/MidsouthProwash#!/mdougford (my personal site)
AC LockyerSoftWashSystems.com 855-763-8669 ac@SoftWashSystems.com271 Specialty Point, Sanford, FL 32771Our Yearly National Convention SoftwashapoloozaOur Seven Regional Revolution Camps
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These poly ball valves are much better than PVC. They don't stiffen up and are easily rebuildable. http://www.agrisupply.com/ball-valve-poly/p/10192/
Brian Friel - Owner
PA Roof & Exterior Cleaning Company
(888) WASH 360