They hod up well but they only work with a pool pump. They lay flat and need pressure to expand. Gutter flow doesnt open them. Please dont use hoses, bags or anything like that. Use a gutter cane and a nerf ball.
Ok AC, I missed the nerf ball in the PPP module. How is it used and what type of ball?
The nerf ball is the high tech version of the wad op Will get that one in the rerecord when I get around to it. Ryan with Beacon came up with that one.
Is the intent by blocking the gutters with a nerf ball and use a gutter cane to overfow the gutters ? Why is that better than using the guttercane to dilute the chems and let it flow out the downspout?
It gives you more time for dilution inside your gutters before dumping if I am thinking right. Don't quote me but a 5" k style gutter holds 1.2 gallons of water per foot and a 6" holds 2 gallons so depending on length of run on the gutters that can really drop your concentration of mix before it hits the ground.
Is the intent by blocking the gutters with a nerf ball and use a gutter cane to overfow the gutters ? Why is that better than using the guttercane to dilute the chems and let it flow out the downspout?
Sometimes the gutter downspouts are plumbed into drains that go into the storm drain. If you dont plug you are in violation of the clean water act. Also sometimes the downspouts drain into the roots of plants and trees that then drink of the water and drop their leaves.