My question is, what are my options if i do a paint test and it fails? Realy wanna nail this one!
Please review the Plant & Property Protection Module. Also buy a small trigger sprayer and load it with a 2% solution. Go around the building and do test sprays with the trigger sprayer in inconspicous areas on all colors of the paint. Wait about 15 minutes to see if you get a reaction. Then bring the property manager out to see the test spots and have them sign off on a pre-inspection sheet that there was either no color change or... if there was have them sign off if they still want you to continue on the project. Cover your self!
Ok.. so you are saying that there is no other way to do this if there is paint damage?
If you have paint damage then you can hand scrub with simple green and water and use a pressure washer to rinse. We had one resort at Disney we had to do that at because of the paint and it was an $85,000.00 cleaning once a year.