I'm curious how everyone handles cleaning multiple elements on a home that requires different mix ratios. Lets say you are cleaning everything from roof to painted siding and brick, awnings, fence and flatwork. Would it be best to start with the 1% on awnings and painted etc. then up the SH/CH in the mix to bring it up for the roof and flat work?
Just wondering what everyone has found to be the best approach.
Serving The Greater Columbus Georgia /Phoenix City Alabama Area
I tried a new experiment this week. Roof, house, composite decks. 1st 1% sprayed all the decks. 2. Sprayed 3 sides of the house. Kick it up to 3% and sprayed the roof. The ground guy was rinsing the house as keeping the land scaping wet. As the roof guy sprayes the roof. After the roof was cleaned they was only the one side of the house to be washed. It worked very well but it was a small house. Saved a lot of time.