when I am finished claening with my dual pumps system I run water through it for a cople minitutes then create my bleach wash mix and spay everything with the system on the truck that may have come into contact with the chemicals.......while doing this my pumps get a free wash......
I have noticed that my pumps don't cut off the same way when I am cleaning and I know why but is it a bad thing when the pump just keeps cyclling, I know That the accumulator is to avoid them from running constantly...
Another thing I have done is to remove the in hose from the tank an spray the remainder of chemicals in the hose back to the tank...I have about 300ft of hose so that would be a lot of wastage...
Would Love some pointers..
Thanks guys......
Laurie Benjamin.
Executive Director of All Aspects Maintenance Limited of Trinidad & Tobago.
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One thing that may help is, I use 185 feet of hose, I then have another 100 footer on the truck available to add on to the 185 if I need to. Very rarely do I ever have to add on.
I use varying length of hoses ....from 50 foot to 100 foot and add/subtract length as needed. My hose is a 1/2 inch Goodyear rubber and I use regular garden hose connections. Every six months or so I have hydraulic shop replace connections .
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