I was doing an estimate, and the HO who works with the goverment and also uses SH to clean water lines, said that we should be using a citric tablet to neutralize any SH that goes to the ground. I told him we delude any solution using a gutter cane, but I haven't heard anything about having to neutralize the SH.
Anyone shed some light on this?
PS He told me he was using 500-1000g of SH. I told him we use about 25.
Acids like citralic and oxalic in very low concentrations will neutralize and brighten wood after cleaning with a bleach solution. Not sure how it applies here.
I don't know how chemistry work but i figured if a Base plus and acid would = neutral give or take they are on equals ends of the scale. He was very concerned about the legal aspect. Lets say you were cleaning a roof for the president of the EPA... how would you go about it? Tell him don't worry the gutter cane will delude it? Or find something to neutralize?
That means that a base and an acid combined equally will return to 7 ph which is neutral. If the two collide too quickly you can have a violent chemical reaction. That is why we dilute the chems with water first and then add plant wash or bleach wash.