We made this home owner very happy after cleaning the dark stains off her asphalt shingle roof caused by algae. Our safe roof cleaning process gives our customers instant results for a fraction of the cost for what it would cost to replace it. Don't replace those dirty shingles, let us clean them!
Wow!!! Really impressive results with the safe roof cleaning in Tallahassee! I'm sure that homeowner was thrilled with the results provided by Capital Roof and Exterior Cleaning!
Spray Wash Exterior Cleaning, LLC.
Cleaning North Florida, South Georgia, and Tallahassee!!!
Soft washing, pressure cleaning, and Safe roof cleaning!
Josh, this roof would normally take us an hour or so but it took twice as long because they requested it to be rinsed. They are getting ready to put the house on the market and having pictures taken this week and couldn't wait for mother nature to rinse it. I think I'll take your advise also on the pictures. I have been meaning to update the site but it has been pretty tricky to put aside 6-7 hours these days...LOL
And thanks guys for the kind words!
Capital Roof Wash - Tallahassee, Florida ___________850.459.0132_____________
Ray; Thank you for posting such incredible before and after pictures. Hard to believe there are people (like us roof cleaning junkies) who get excited over such a change as shown in these pictures, but jobs like this one remind all of us how valuable our services can be to our neighbors.
I'm with you on that Steve! It still amazes me, just as much as the customer, to see the original color of the shingles again. These grey shingles allways seem to have fantastic results and shooting before and after pictures on cloudy days tops it off. (Ray gave me the cloudy day tip BTW!) lol
Capital Roof Wash - Tallahassee, Florida ___________850.459.0132_____________