thanks guys and i fixed that little rc-i a thing . I really just put that on there for content. I definetly am not promoting them. thanks for the comment AC. everyone who comments will get a back link to thier website.
I apologize to you for the rude comment I made above. I couldn't believe you had that reference on your blog after the way you got treated.
I went over there yesterday evening to make sure you were the guy I was thinking about and they had sanitized the prem forum, AGAIN. It culminated in me deleting my account this morning. Apparently the administrator there doesn't care for people suggesting he grow certain body parts. Oddly enough, he exclaimed via PM that he edited my post (sanitized it and added his own editorial) and then put my original post in the moderator forum. I asked him if his despicable posts challenging people to come over here and harass AC were placed there as well - before he deleted them. I guess I'll never know his reply, and I could care less what he had to say.
That's a great looking website you have. All the best man.