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Forum: Softwashapolooza 2015
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No New Posts Softwashapolooza 2016??
Hello, I know its month away, but I was wondering if the date range, beak out schedule and location is known for the Softwashapolooza 2016?  I need to start planning for the time off from my full time job.   Much appreciated V/r Jeff     
Jeff Newman 4 2834
No New Posts More National Convention Pix
The room was set for the first day of our first in-network companies national convention. AC
AC Lockyer 2 2781
No New Posts Softwashapolooza 2015 Awards Social Pix
Here are some pix from the awards social. AC
AC Lockyer 10 3380
No New Posts Some pics of a few pails we brought back from Palooza...
Just got done unloading some stuff we brought back from orlando.....love not paying shipping..
John Aloisio 4 2762
No New Posts A few pix from the Revolution Camp day 1
Here are a few pix. AC
AC Lockyer 7 3310
No New Posts who's READY for Softwashapolooza!
This is going to be a BLAST, So much to come.....It's going to be great seeing everyone and talking shop. I'll be drivong down from SC Sunday morning early anyone else heading down that way around the same time? See you all there. 
Patrick Clark 5 3279
No New Posts SIKE!
Hummmm what's this????? AC
AC Lockyer 5 3214
No New Posts Bringing your SoftWash Systems Cradle Skid equipped truck to Softwashapolooza 2015
Sound off who is bringing their truck for the event. Thanks, AC
AC Lockyer 10 3694
No New Posts Weather Forecast
I'm starting to look at weather forecast for Florida.  In Delaware its calling for 10 degrees on Wed.  At least no snow. Please let the weather be warm.
Tim Teed 3 2780
No New Posts Only 5 Spots Remain for the Most Extensive Softwashapolooza EVER For Scoring New Business!
We are very proud of the line-up of classes we have to offer our softwashing companies this Softwashapolooza 2015. Check out these great topics for landing more business in 2015. AC
AC Lockyer 8 3336
No New Posts Almost Sold Out!
Hey Y'all, Just a quick note that we are quickly getting to sold out on Softwashapolooza 2015. There are a few spots left. Please visit the Softwashapolooza web site to register.  http://softwashsystems.com/softwashapolooza These are the spots we have, Revolution Camp Jan 19th - 21st  Six (6) sp...
AC Lockyer 0 2641
No New Posts SoftWash Systems Yearly Awards
Hey Y'all, Wednesday evenings pool side social is also when we hand out our SoftWash Systems Yearly Awards.  All "in network" companies will receive their certificates and plaques as well as those who earn their Lead Softwashing Tech Certification at the Revolution Camp. We will be handing out, Le...
AC Lockyer 0 2885
No New Posts Who is bringing their SoftWash Systems Cradle Skid Equipped Truck
I would like to see who is actually bringing down their truck with them either equipped with a SWS Cradle Skid System or to pick one up at the event. I need to have a count of working systems that will be at the event for demo / training cleanings. Thanks, AC
AC Lockyer 0 2247
No New Posts What is Left Available for Softwashapolooza!
Hey Y'all, We are 10 weeks out from Softwashapolooza 2015 and we need to hear from you! As of today November 20th 2014 we have settled on our room block at the hotel and have put together prelim numbers for registration totals. This is what this means to you. Revolution Camp has only 16 unregistered open...
AC Lockyer 0 2706
No New Posts Registration List Softwashapolooza 2015 Orlando
Hey Y'all, I took last years list and coupled it with who we have met over the last year and came up with a tentative list of those coming to the second part of the Softwashapolooza week, The National Convention. Please review this list and send Whitney an e-mail if either we don't have you on this list, or...
AC Lockyer 0 2618
No New Posts HUGE Announcements Being Made at Softwashapolooza National Convention 2015
Hey Y'all, Continuing with our theme of "Stepping It Up" this year we will have some HUGE developments to announce at the National Convention. As SoftWash Systems has evolved we have tried to stay true to our loose mission of offering franchise-ish or "esk" services at an ala-carte basis without geo...
AC Lockyer 4 3162
No New Posts Early Pre-Registration Counts Have Us 81% Booked for Softwashapolooza!
Early Pre-Registration Counts Have Us 81% Booked for The Softwashapolooza National Convention January 22nd - 24th! The Revolution Camp, January 19th - 21st, still has adequate openings as of now. October 31st is coming fast. If you want to take advantage of the 1,000 System Tab Points you need to at...
AC Lockyer 0 2894
No New Posts Early Registration Softwashapolooza Tabs
Hey Y'all, Remember you get Softwashapolooza Tabs to go against your new system purchase at the event. These are based on when you register.  October = 1000 pts. November = 750 pts. December = 500 pts. January = 250 pts. Early registration PAYS! AC
AC Lockyer 2 2639
No New Posts Softwashapolooza 2015, Registration Now Open
check it out, http://softwashsystems.com/softwashapolooza AC
AC Lockyer 2 2788
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