AC, I have a job cleaning all the roofs in a retirement community (40 - 5500 sq ft buildings) and they all have grass and plants around them. On residential properties I use the sprayer that attaches to the hose to apply Plant Wash but for this job I would like to mix it in a larger sprayer. How much Plant Wash should I use per gallon of water when using a pump sprayer? Thanks!
I recall a post where AC said once that you could mix Plant Wash as low as 1/2 ounce per 1 gallon but I cannot find it, and another post I found today said not to go over 1 ounce per gallon because "This is a fertilizer as well as other things. You can actually over fertilize plants and burn them with the Plant Wash."
As Mike said, the general rule for all of AC's products are 1 ounce per gallon. The exception to the rule is the new condensed Green Wash (part number 83-, and I believe AC is working on making most of his other products condensed as well. The price drops a little, but you save a lot on shipping charges. I was going to link it but the J.Racenstein site is having work done, but the part number is 83-642.
For a ball park idea on how much to mix, from another post from AC - I generally use about 30 gallons of mixed Plant Wash on the average 2,500 square foot home.