Recently Element Softwash was asked if we could effectively clean and remove "string" algae from an artificial pond with out harming the plants or aquatics.
While I was somewhat hesitant we tackled the job and the customer was ecstatic!
The pond was drained and agitated to remove the loose dirt and debris. A mild soft wash solution was carefully applied to the rocks and logs. This was rinsed and a second application was done and re rinsed. After the process the pond was drained almost completely and allowed to circulate overnight.
The next day we refilled it, skimmed the surface and it was algae free and crystal clear! Even the FROGs were croaking away that evening like nothing happened. This customer had tried pressure washing, wire brushing, and had no success. Now the stone and rocks look great.
You guys are really encouraging! Gotta admit i was a little concerned about the ferns and plants, but to date nothing was harmed.
Thanks for the compliments. Its interesting to see what can happen if we adapt a great product to some different applications. so far its going good!
This works very well on fountains, too. Good add on. I don't get a lot of customers with either pond or fountains, so I have to train myself to remember to add them on when i encounter them.
Chad A. Eneix, President, Water Dragon Inc.