Didn't get a chance to grab his card but what was the number for the insurance company AC recommended on using for GL and Auto?
Josh Scavetta
Safe Roof Cleaning
I believe this is what your looking for, and sorry we didn't get a chance to chat.
Zach Maynard - A to Z SoftWash
View our website here
Dan Dykstra
Roof Cleaner.
Hudsonville, MI
Josh Scavetta wrote:Didn't get a chance to grab his card but what was the number for the insurance company AC recommended on using for GL and Auto?
Thanks for that URL, Zach. That is good to know, too. Tom was the agent, I never did see Joe Walters. Was he there?
Tom Svrcek - President
Joseph D. Walters Powerwash Insurance Options
4552 Route 51 S.
Bella Vernon, PA 15012
phone: 800-878-3808
email: tom@jwagency.com
Easier to type that out than to scan it.
Glad to help, Josh. Thank you for your business card.
You have a nice Website. It has some great videos on there. Great way to show your customers what needs to be or is being done!
Vic Irish
Panefully Clear Window Cleaning
Tri-Cities, WA
AC LockyerSoftWashSystems.com 855-763-8669 ac@SoftWashSystems.com271 Specialty Point, Sanford, FL 32771Our Yearly National Convention SoftwashapoloozaOur Seven Regional Revolution Camps
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