This is what happens to a typical $35.00 ladder stabilizer you get from Home Depot or Lowes. The dissimular metal corrosion from the U bolts coming in direct contact with the aluminum stabilizer eat through and weaken the stabilizer bar until it cracks or bends. See pix.
Dissimilar metals do it all the time. My primary biz is home inspections and I see this all the time when a handyman will put copper onto existing galvanized pipe. It does'nt take long and those pipes star leaking all over the crawlspace.
Serving The Greater Columbus Georgia /Phoenix City Alabama Area
Our stabilizers are 6061 chem resistant 80 guage aluminum. There is a base plate welded to them so that any possible erosion doesnt effect the stabilizer bar it's self. They are wider and have a deeper set back. Also STAINLESS STEEL mounting hardware is included.