I never rinsed out the gutter, and when I went back today I saw 1sqft from the downspout had turned brown. AC I was reading your post about the grass won't take because the bacteria in the ground.. so what do we have to do?
#1, Use a gutter cane next time. Bagging gutters gives a false sense of security. #2, Douse heavily the entire area of the grass with SoftWash Systems Plant Wash. #3, If you don't have Plant Wash use this home remedy. a. Mix up a weak solution of oxhalic acid and water and spray on turf. b. Blend one bag of cow manure compose into the ground in and around the grass. c. Scatter / broadcast gypsum granules in and around the grass. d. Water all in with a garden hose.
they tried selling me muriatic acid at home depot rather than oxalic. I wasn't sure if there is a big difference.
go to a wholesale chem sales place they all have oxhalic acid. Try 2 oz in a gallon of water. Its a powder. Then rinse. If it has been days already skip the weak acid treatment.
Muriatic (aka hydrochloric) acid is some nasty stuff. I've used it in the past to clean mortar tags off new brick work. I don't like the stuff. I don't even like having it around. Be careful using AND storing it. It can and will corrode anything metal you store it near. If SH and HCI are mixed they will create a poisonous gas; hydrogen chloride.
I tried the flooding method today for the gutters, I was getting a little nervous. All this stuff was flooding over, dripping on to the grass. I know it is very diluted, but all of it was hitting the plants and shrubbery below the gutters. I was thinking to myself, I rather this be running into the grass so that is at least easy to fix.