It is so important to highlight the dangers of pressure washing and the risk factors. Here is a roof cleaner in Pembroke Pines, Florida, with two guys, one holding the pressure washer on top of the roof, while the other using a wand to clean the roof. Base on my estimate, these guys were on the this roof for a lease 5 hrs. I pray He did not fall, nor damage the home owners roof.
Pressure Washing Roof improperly can really cause a problem for sure. Softwashing is surely easier an more effective. Contractors around the globe need standards to set, by following these standards the trade can become more valuable making the industry worth more.
I have seen stuff like that before, it just amazes me that they think that is a good idea. If I were that home owner I would kick them off my property so fast it would make their head spin. It is guys like that that make all contract cleaners look bad.