A.C. I think it was brought up this weekend at the event that there are some pictures that we could use until we get good ones of our own to use of fliers, etc. Is this true and where would we be able to view and download them from? Thank you for all your hard work. Jim Prom
What exactly are you looking for and I can look through our stuff and come up with some for you. Is it ok if there is beach and palm trees in the backgrounds???? lol
Yes A.C. it is okay if there are Palms trees and beaches in the background. LOL I am from MN as you may remember but we are filling a nice niche in the Lake county area of FL. I would love to find a barrel tile before and after shot as well as a nice asphalt roof too. I learned so much and I am ready to jump in and take this to the next level.
I sent an early email to you. Not sure if I did it correctly. Can you let me know if you received it.
Also, could you attach the photo file your sending to Jim to jorrico@drcrestoration.com.
Thank you for all your help,
I am in the same situation with a need for residential before & after photos. Just starting a brand new soft wash company outside of Boston. Thanks for your help.
Doug Shaffer
Roof Cleaning & Exterior Surface Washing in Lexington, Belmont, Winchester and Metrowest Boston