The other day while at Doug Rucker’s place, we mixed 6 gallons of 10% SH (retail Pool Shock) with 35 gallons of water.
By my calculations that works out to a mix containing 1.5% (rounded) SH per gallon of mix in the tank.
I attached a screen shot of my spread sheet for you to see how I arrived at that 1.5%
Is that what you come up with? If not, could you lay out your actual calculation?
My objective is to keep it simple. I want to know the total volume of gallons of mix in the tank divided by the total volume of pure SH in the tank to give me a percentage of SH per gallon of the total mix in the tank
I know the mixology chart exists on this site, but this is real world example and I want to be certain that I have the calculation correct.
-- Edited by Exterior Cleaning NW Florida on Thursday 8th of December 2011 10:13:25 PM
On the job I do not havetime to calculate %. It is a matter of what mimium mixture of SH that you can use to clean a roof. The weaker the mix the less cost involved in material to clean the roof, less run off that you have to neutralize so it will not harm vegaion, but the more time that it takes. When you do not have a lot of business you go this route.
When you are busy you increase the percentage of SH so that it will clean faster and you can get on to clean the next roof faster.
I understand what you're saying and I'm sure I'll crank up the heat (a bit) to get jobs done faster when the time comes.
I just wanted to make sure my method of calculating SH per gallon of mix works out the same as other methods folks may be using to calculate it. I want to be able to teach this to my guys as if I were teaching it to my Grandchildren lol!
Your math seems to be correct to me Paul. Although math is not my strong suit. I always try to start with the lowest amount of bleach that I can. For me this is whether it is the busy time or the slow time. IMO I am more profitable if I can use less materials, minimize plant damage, and put out a quality roof cleaning job on every roof.
So, I guess I sort of disagree with Marcus, well not really disagree, cause there is nothing wrong with his method, it's just personally I never strengthen my mix for the sake of working faster to get to the next job. Everybody will do things differently, I just choose to mix and do it the way I do.
What got me thinking about this was watching a guy have to dispose of 20 or so gallons of mix the other day simply because it had gone cold sitting in the tank. To me, that's not an acceptable expense. If I think I need an extra X amount of mix to complete a job, I want everybody on-site to know how much water, SH, and Green Wash to mix with whats already in the tank to complete the job. A laminated card on the soft wash rig or maybe taped to the inside of the back window of truck is an excellent idea!
You can use 4 gallons of 12.5% SH in 30 gallons of water (48 ounces green wash) to get the same strength used in the example above. I used this mix ratio Thursday morning to clean two roofs and as it took me a bit longer but it did the job. I also did a 12X14 concrete pad with this mix ratio and worked fine.
Dan Signor Owner/Operator 7850-A Clinard Farms Rd, High Point, NC 27265 My Direct Line, (336) 525-WASH, Fax (336) 899-8438
That is it, never change it, adjust it or play with it.
I fill my tank to mix capacity everytime. If we have 75 gallons left over, I make note of it and then make a full tank back to 4%.
Never changes, systemized wins everytime IMO.
Same results/speed.... And I spend more money on bleach a year than most make in a salary at a 9 to 5'r...
I understand the thought of doing better business, but I believe that is made up with improving sales skills obtaining more money for the same job. This year I averaged 150 for a standard pool screen room. My goal next year is not to do one under 200...I'll use the same mix and get the same results with the same speed everytime and make more $$$$.
"A people that value its privileges above its principles soon loses both"