Does everyone have the proper licences to work in your areas?
My County does not require a license to do business, but all the surounding towns and counties require a license to do business in there town or county. I have to carry 4-6 depending on were I am working.
Anybody can walk into the Tax Assessors office in Escambia County, FL, and buy a business license, which really only amounts to a permit to collect taxes, for $26 or so.
But, you need a Professional License here for just about everything you want to do. I can't even replace a few shingles on a customer's roof, legally, because you need a Roofing Contractor's License.
Code Enforcement doesn't usually enforce the letter of the law, but if a neighbor complained, and a unlicensed guy patching up the roof was still there when they pulled up, the guy on the roof is probably going to have a bad day.
Paul do you hold roofing contracter's license? In Polk county fl same you walk in Taxx Assessor office $26 you in business I wish Florida would get License for pressure washing and roof cleaning.
Paul do you hold roofing contracter's license? In Polk county fl same you walk in Taxx Assessor office $26 you in business I wish Florida would get License for pressure washing and roof cleaning.
I don't hold a roofer's license and I doubt I'll ever try to get one. I don't get that many roof repair requests to justify it. I've replaced a few shingles for people I've done carpentry work for, but I've never charged for it.
Thank goodness we are not required to have a liscense yet in Texas. As soon as the local towns, cities, or state realizes that they can make money off of us they will probably liscense us...
Thank goodness we are not required to have a liscense yet in Texas. As soon as the local towns, cities, or state realizes that they can make money off of us they will probably liscense us...
They will get every Penney they can, if they think they can.
I have a Town around here that requires a business license to do work in their town, plus you have to let them know how much you made working in their town and pay them a percentage. I did work in that town about 6 years ago, never again. For the next couple of years after that they kept sending me threatening letters because I did not renew my license that next year. I did not even do any work in there after the first year. Then at the end of the year they sent me an "estimated" value of the work they thought I did, and demanded payment........ They were very difficult to work with. Never again......
How are you doing with all the restrictions and political issues in Houston and the waste water fight with the Cleaning Contractors. Is this affecting you at all?
The waste water fight does affect me. As a result I do not clean any commercial properties in Houston and do residences only. Houston has turned the National Clean Water Act into a money maker for the city. The city does not even follow their own rules. The city has pressure washers on trucks wth no water recycling system on them which is required by the city...
Many commercial pressure washers are therefore going ito my field which is residential which makes less work.
Thanks Mike, that's what I thought. When I started up last year I asked at all the government offices in town and they couldn't come up with anything, just insurance
My license is listed as exterior cleaning service for residential / commercial. But that's here in MO and is a benefit for me because being licensed and insured allows me to join the community chamber of commerce in my area for small businesses. Gives me free publicity for a small price and it's nice to have your name listed with local businesses that are well known in you area.