Wow, I've been going through the webinar training and it has been great. The info I'm getting is proving to be invaluable. It is covering just about every question I have had. It is time consuming but, it has been worth it. Only two more sections and I'm done.
Wow, I've been going through the webinar training and it has been great. The info I'm getting is proving to be invaluable. It is covering just about every question I have had. It is time consuming but, it has been worth it. Only two more sections and I'm done.
I agree Rodney. I started this morning on plant and property damage. Passed that, had two estimates to do, I used what was in the module to educate the home owner about plant care and I got the jobs. I am taking a little break from soft wash mixology.
Guys it's well worth the money and time! There is so much information that I am going to go back through the modules just to make sure I didn't miss anything.
Dan Signor Owner/Operator 7850-A Clinard Farms Rd, High Point, NC 27265 My Direct Line, (336) 525-WASH, Fax (336) 899-8438
I just finished the Mixology Module, Great stuff. AC, you gave me some great ideas for marketing. You don’t realize what you can get and learn from AC till you take one of his classes live or on the net, I have been lucky enough to do both.
Completed Lead tech modules and i agree, it was very informative and even though i am oceans away i was still able to absorb and relate too allot of the material.. Wonder how long it would be before i have my certificate in hand...Ac, should i just go ahead or do you want to recommend the next phase? This time i going through Bill to avoid the PAY PAL TAXES...
Laurie Benjamin.
Executive Director of All Aspects Maintenance Limited of Trinidad & Tobago.
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