Thursday a group of Soft Wash contractors met at Joe's Banquet Hall in Alvin, Texas for breakfast. GoooooooooooooooooooD Yummy!
In attendance were.
Darrell with the Coastal Group and his two nephews, Mike and Justin. Carlos and his Uncle with Incredibull, Mark Duncan with his father in law, Roger Lin with USA Wash and me...
After breakfast we met over on a residential street where Darrell had set up three roofs for us to do.
Roof One, cleaned with Powdered Bleach rear section, liquid bleach the front.
Roof Two, cleaned with liquid bleach only, did siding, wood fence and brick wall as well.
Roof Three, cleaned with solution of 20 gal liquid bleach (SH), 128 ounces of Powder Bleach (SWS Bleach Wash), ballance water into 100 gallon tank.
In all cases we used Darrell's new SoftWash Bed Mount System and the SoftWashSystems Green Wash was injected in instead of mixing directly into the tank. This way the bleach is not contaminated.
We got to the job site around 10 am. We were completed and driving home by 5 pm. As short of time we had in these three roofs at about 30 squares each, we were still training the other guys who came, letting everyone have a turn on the wand and shooting alot of bull............not Incredibull!
Carlos with Incredibull actually brought a water fed pole and we hooked it up to theSoftWash System. He cleaned a single story section of the roof from the ground in one pass with a 30/40 fan tip. (will post video)
These three roofs were similar in size and would have easily gone for $450.00 to 600.00 each and were completely trashed with heavy algae and bacteria staining. We completed all three in a 6 our day that easily could have been $1,500.00 in revenue.
From all of us there I am sure we have photos galore and allot of video. I will post mine up as soon as I get them edited.
We will be doing all of this again in Houston on July 15th, the final day of that weeksSoftWash University Class. See Schedule Here, So set your calendars.