Do you wear protective clothing while roof cleaning to keep the chemicals and sun off you? What do you wear? What kind of sunblock do you use? How can a roof cleaner limit his exposure to the sun and keep from getting skin cancer?
Here are a few pix of some of the measures I took to keep my self safe while cleaning roofs in Orlando, Florida.
Great post, being an Irish Catholic boy with blonde hair I have to watch the sun carefuly. I wear a big floppy hat when I'm watering plants and always wear SS.
It's only a matter of time before I get skin cancer. Hopefully by then my cow will have served his purpose and we have finally cleaned our last roof!
"A people that value its privileges above its principles soon loses both"
Now...would you advise that a full-blown respirator as oppossed to a painters mask be worn? I see a face shield here as well. What type of gloves have you found to be most effective (wife doesn't care for the smell of bleach on my hands...even having gloves on!)? Where are you finding those slick white overalls? :) I just may invest in some of those...looks slick & professional when doing a roof. Let's em' know it's serious business ridding the world of this nasty algae! :)
I had many melanomas removed from my head by burning & freezing them off. No fun. I wear broad rim hats, long sleeve white shirts, polarized sun glasses, Bullfrog SPF 50 on anything exposed.
AC, where did you get those jump suits from? They look comfortable.