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Forum: Bad Characters! Watch Out Property Owners!
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No New Posts Evidence of a "No-No Blaster"!
I cleaned this roof in May and discovered that someone, possible the HO had attempted to clean the roof with a pressure washer.  At least the person didn't try to use a zero-tip like I've seen on concrete and decks in the past.  Geez!!
Mark Fermoyle 6 5754
No New Posts Facebook concern
This may sound weird. I have had a Facebook page since the beginning of the year. Over the last two days I have had about a dozen friend request from out of the blue. Some names I recognize from this forum, others from forums I used to visit and have no connection to them at all. Im wondering if this is some ki...
Jeff Thompson 2 2557
No New Posts licensed or not
Does everyone have the proper licences to work in your areas? My County does not require a license to do business, but all the surounding towns and counties require a license to do business in there town or county. I have to carry 4-6 depending on were I am working. How about your area? [video=http://ww...
Chris Madden 14 13410
No New Posts Fake ID Badges ***WATCH OUT***
Hello Soft Wash Community Members, There is a growing trend in our industry towards having third party companies verify our businesses legitimacy. These services as a third impartial party perform checks to verify our proper licensing for our industry and region. They also verify our insurance r...
AC Lockyer 1 3194
No New Posts Any of these contractors in your area?
While I was looking through safety videos today I found this. Thought everyone could use a good laugh today.   Chris   -- Edited by Palmetto Power Wash on Wednesday 16th of November 2011 04:27:21 PM
Chris Madden 4 3622
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