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All-Clean Softwash

No New Posts   Siding Cleaning in Portland, OR - Hand Detailing a Home

October 17, 2015

Our technicians Dayn & Bo surprised us with this wonderful time-lapse video they shot all on their own! It's a little long, but it shows the lengths we go to when needed to get a customer's home looking PERFECT.

Backstory - Even after we cleaned our customer's entire house, there was a stubborn, strange powdery film-like residue that would not budge! You could really only see it when viewing the dark painted siding at an angle. We tried using a variety of soaps, or even using a scrub brush - but it did not yield satisfying results. If a pressure washer was used - the paint would come off before the film would!

In this case, a good ol' rag and old fashioned hand detailing did the trick :)

Our goal is 100% Satisfied Customers - no matter what it takes!

No New Posts   Gas Station Canopy Cleaning in Boring, Oregon!

August 27, 2014

This is a very, VERY dirty gas station canopy that has accumulated many years of mildew, algae and mold on the surfaces. The owner was nervous about pressure washing around the fragile plastic lighting housing and was ecstatic to learn we could clean the entire canopy without the use of a pressure washer!

We covered up all the fuel pumps and electronics with sheeting and completed the cleaning in less than an hour. After cleaning the canopy, we applied a waxing agent to restore the dulling from the length of time the mildew was on the surfaces. The owner was thrilled with the results.

From gas station service stations to homes, commercial buildings to apartment complexes - we make it all, ALL-CLEAN!

And yes Boring, OR is a real town... :)

Started By: Brandon Vaughn

Comments: 12

Views: 3610

Last Post: Sep 16, 2014 by Chad Eneix


No New Posts   Happy Valley, OR Concrete Rust Stain Removal

July 16, 2014

I was contacted by a private insurance adjuster looking for a company who might possibly be able to remove rust stains from a large amount of new concrete on a Street of Dreams home in Happy Valley, OR. Landscapers spilled a large amount of fertilizer all around the lawn and you can see from the photos what happened next...

The insurance company and homeowner were right on the verge of paying a contractor $37,000 to remove and replace the concrete since it appeared nothing could be done.

I went out and did a test patch for the homeowner and insurance company and they were blown away at the results!

Not only will we be saving the insurance company tens of thousands of dollars, but the homeowner will not have to deal with a massive demolition/construction project outside their brand new home - which would have inevitably ruined more landscaping and caused A LOT of dust.

All around everyone is very happy and we should be finishing the rest of the concrete rust removal process this coming week!

-- Edited by Brandon Vaughn on Wednesday 16th of July 2014 09:46:51 PM

No New Posts   Cedar Shake Roof Cleaning in Oregon City - Without Pressuring Washing or Walking on Roof!

June 24, 2014

While enjoying the Mt. Hood views at one of our customer's homes on the Street of Dreams, a neighbor came up and requested an estimate to clean her cedar shake roof.

"I don't want anyone walking on our roof with those spiky shoes or blasting it apart with a pressure washer", she told us. "No problem! We can clean your entire roof from the gutter line or the ground even", I replied.

The job is going great so far and she couldn't be more pleased with the results. I'll post after pics once we are all finished... take a look at the progress pic!

If you have a cedar shake roof and share the same concerns as this homeowner, call us at 503-ALL-CLEAN to get a free estimate.

No New Posts   Portland Oregon Awning Cleaning, Brick Sidewalk Pressure Washing & Rust Removal

June 19, 2014

We were recently contacted by a property manager to perform some awning cleaning in downtown Portland Oregon. The awnings were old and had sustained damage due to pressure washing in the past. He was skeptical that they could indeed be cleaned without a pressure washer!

All-Clean SoftWash cleaned up 5 awnings, 3 glass awnings, 4000 sq. ft. of gum-ridden brick sidewalks, granite & marble walls and washed the windows as a final touch.

The property manager also had an unsightly rust stain on the granite wall that he said had been there for years and 5 different cleaning contractors told him it could not be removed. We SoftWashed the stain away in 10 minutes!

If you are in the Portland, Oregon area and are in need of pressure washing, awning cleaning, window cleaning, rust removal or would like to learn more about our exclusive SoftWashing services - 

Call us today at 503-ALL-CLEAN!

-- Edited by Brandon Vaughn on Thursday 19th of June 2014 05:59:05 PM

No New Posts   Apartment Exterior Cleaning Beaverton, Oregon

June 19, 2014

An owner of an apartment complex happened to be walking by during a deck cleaning at one of our recent projects and requested us to come take a look at her property. She was impressed with the fact we cleaned the entire 2 story complex without a pressure washer!

Her property was definitely in need of some TLC. We were contracted to clean the exterior siding, gutters, eaves, decks, concrete sidewalks, and 3000 lineal feet of curbs! The entire project took us 4 days and she was absolutely thrilled with the results and will be using us to treat the complex's roofs for moss within the next couple months.

Whether you own or manage a 500+ unit apartment complex, condominium complex, or would just like your personal home to look like new again - 

Call us at 503-ALL-CLEAN to request a free on-site estimate and demonstration of our revolutionary SoftWash System!

Secret challenge - can you find the snail in the photos? :)

-- Edited by Brandon Vaughn on Thursday 19th of June 2014 04:16:46 PM

Started By: Brandon Vaughn

Comments: 7

Views: 2899

Last Post: Jun 21, 2014 by Vic Irish


No New Posts   Apartment Siding Cleaning

March 1, 2014

Here's an apartment complex we recently SoftWashed using no pressure washers - or ladders! Our siding cleaning lasts much longer than pressure washing because it kills the bacteria and mold - and does not simply blast it, leaving the roots behind.

The entire complex took only 2 days to clean and we had great results - the owners were thrilled.

We gave the property managers pre-made flyers so they could notify the tenants. We also treated the roofs for moss using our exclusive SoftWashing method.


-- Edited by Brandon Vaughn on Tuesday 4th of March 2014 12:18:10 PM

Started By: Brandon Vaughn

Comments: 6

Views: 2868

Last Post: Mar 6, 2014 by Doug G


No New Posts   Brandon Vaughn SoftWash Systems Master Business Certified

September 12, 2013

Congrats Brandon!


No New Posts   All-Clean Softwash now a SoftWash Authorized Professional Company

September 12, 2013

Welcome to our first SoftWash Authorized Company in the Northwest US.

Great job!


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