March 18, 2015
We are getting ready for Spring at Bob Riddick Roofing!
We had the safety shower installed last week, and this morning our 1000 gal. Mini Bulk Tank arrived from Univar.
We had been buying in 53 gal. drums and never quite sure how fresh our bleach was. In drums it can sometimes sit for a while before it's delivered.
What starts out as 12 1/2%, can easily become 8%. Nothing but fresh and hot from here on out.
The beauty of this program is that Univar will deliver and set the tank at NO CHARGE. And the bleach is sixty cents less per gallon!
I recommend you look into this if you have the space. Safety shower is required.
Started By: Bob Riddick
Comments: 14
Views: 9017
Last Post: Apr 8, 2015 by AC Lockyer
May 8, 2013
Welcome to the SoftWash Authorized Family Bob and welcome to your charge in the REVOLUTION!
Enjoy your new Blog space. Here is your SoftWash Systems Authorized Certificate.
Started By: AC Lockyer
Comments: 8
Views: 6864
Last Post: Jun 16, 2013 by Nigel James
Here are Michael Blevins training certificates.
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Views: 2356
Last Post: May 8, 2013 by AC Lockyer